Thursday, November 30, 2006

We're having a heat wave. A tropical heat wave.

I was thinking, shocked I know, about our news media here. Now, I realize they are no different than any other sensational-drama team in other parts of the world. But I love, I LOVE, the drama about weather. There, apparently, has been no other news in our region or around the world in the last 4 days. Because the ONLY thing on the news are the drama queens (all of them are queens...if you know what I mean?) has been the -insert evil sounding voice - The Snowflakes of death. Duh duh duunnnnnn

But today, today we're having a heat wave. I'm about to swap my closet back to the summer clothes. It was 35 today. And you know what's on the news, the weather. That's right. Of course, I realize I'm only adding to the drama by complaining non stop for 4 days now about the weather, but hey, I - hate - the - snow. Yesterday I got so bored at home that I started plotting my trip around the world. Including the cost. After I did the cost, there will be no trip around the world for St. Jenn of the Blessed Sarcasm. At least not until she meets and marrys Mr. Rich all the time.

And in case you care, and I know you do or you wouldn't be reading. It is official. November was the wettest month in history. Well, since like 1933. We've had 15.59 inches in ONE month. "That amount shatters the December 1933 record of 15.33 inches, which was collected at the Federal Building in Seattle."

There. That should be enough to not invite anyone to visit Seattle for a very long time. At least until the summer, because its beautiful here.


Ken La Salle said...

Mr. Rich? I hadn't realized you gave up on Mr. Dudley!

(... he he he he... I made a funny!)

Nicki said...

Ooo!! Maybe Crush will the lottery and you'll both finally admit to your feelings and it will be a fairy tale ending!!

Or, in my fairy tale ending, YOU'LL win the lottery and be able to take care of yourself and not depend on a man!!