Saturday, March 03, 2007

I'm sick and its not berry fuddy!

The snow is gone, thank god. But in its place we have rain. Which I don't care one bit about.

What I do care about is this nasty cold that has taken old of me. It came on fast and appears to be settling in for the long haul. I hate being sick. Not that anyone really "likes" it, but I think some people tolerate it better than others. I hate it because it slows me down.

I think I might have mixed cold medicines last night and probably shouldn't have. I had some wicked wicked dreams and woke up to a phone ringing, a friend calling me to find out where I was. I was supposed to meet her for breakfast and I completely forgot. The cold medicine fog. Its similar to the post drinking fog, but this isn't nearly as much fun.

A friend recommended Zycam to battle the cold. So I took that yesterday and didn't pay attention to when. Then when I hit the bed at 6:30 PM I took a big, long, swig of Nyquil. (God's gift to the sick). The combination I think might have contributed to weird dreams I had...and I know it contributed to the foggy brain this morning.

I'm beat. I'm gonna go take a cough drop and settle into my new flaming blanky (Thanks Vicky! I love it by the way) and watch the food channel all day.


Nicki said...

I feel so bad for you, darlin'! I hope you get better soon.

You know what I do? I keep a bottle of Nyquil in my desk at work and nip on it all day long when I'm sick. I'm hardcore like that. (We don't get 'sick' time - we get 'personal' time, so the goal is not to miss work unless you absolutely have to)