Wednesday, January 06, 2010

Islands in the stream, that is what we are...

Oh god, how'd Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers get in my head? I'm in deep doo doo if they're song is stuck. For the record, if you clicked on the link, you'll notice it's Kenny Rogers before all the plastic surgery.

I am ready to be on vacation. And by "ready" I mean, packed, camera tuned up and all batteries charged, computer ready to be stuck in a bag, ice box cleaned out, cat sitters arranged, neighbor told I'm leaving, keys ready for cat sitters, enough cat food for the beast, vacation plan done at work to hand off stuff, and passport in my pocket...

I'd say I soo need this vacation, but I wonder how much of a vacation this is really going to be. I mean my entire family - all sibs and their significant others will be on this trip. I really am not 100% sure this will be relaxing...Fun? Definitely. Exhausting? Certainly. Full of lifetime memories? Absolutely! But relaxing? Doubtful.

Its hard for me to actually relax on vacation. Especially if I'm going some place new. I have this unexplained phobia that I'll miss something important and so therefore can't sit and rest because I'm sure I'm missing that important thing. I thought as I got older this would fade, but it doesn't appear to be doing that...yet. Maybe I'm not "old" enough.

Oooo...gotta get cash! Making a mental note now.

We head out bright and early on Saturday morning. Our flight leaves Seattle at 6am! Yes, you read that correctly, 6 AM ... in the morning...which means we have to be at the airport in the middle of what I still consider night. Blueberry, lucky her, is taking BigBro, Seattle SIL and I to the airport. She owes me, and I'm calling in the favor!

Did I mention I'm ready to be on vacation?

But don't worry, you won't have to go without your daily dose of Jenn, I'm bringing the laptop so I (and the Mom Unit) can blog. I'll try to post photos, but am not sure of the bandwidth...we shall see...