Friday, July 15, 2011

Sweet Sixteen

That's right! PookieSnackenBurger is Sweet Sixteen.

My wittle puddy tat turned 16 today. He got a little tuna a a tweat this morning too. He's a wittle spoiled. I thought for his birthday I'd outline some of personality, we'll call them "quirks".

He was such a sweet little kitten when I brought him home.  He had this ring around his neck of grey hair, that disappeared rather quickly.  Now he's mostly black. In the right sun he has a dark, chocolate color to his fur.  As a kitten he was COVERED in fleas when I brought him home. Blueberry and I sat and picked off 30+ fleas off this little kittens body.  Shortly after he got a flea dip at the V-E-T. Then after that I found this mouse stuff that you work into their fur to help kill the eggs. To this day if you even reach for a bottle of anything that looks like mousse he's gone.

He's very mouthy too. He talks like its no body's business.  He and I have great conversations daily.  I swear he knows the answer to world peace, but since I don't speak cat I can't translate.  He wasn't always mouthy.  After we moved into an apartment on our own with no other cats, then he suddenly found his voice. And there's no mute button.

He likes to "help" me too. Whenever I'm in the office working on whatever, he has to sit on the desk between me and the keyboard.  Oddly enough as I type that sentence he isn't in here. He must be taking one of his MANY naps of today.
He's always been a very clean kitty.  If he's not mouthing off, or running from the mousse can, or "helping" me, or napping, or eating, then he's likely taking a bath.  He has a bad habit of needing to take a bath at night now as he lays next to me in bed. Argh. 

At the end of the day, I love all his quirks. Every single on of them. He's given me many hours of laughter at his "issues" and his "looks" he gives me.  He's gone by many names too.  DJ, Pookie, Poop-N-Snack, Snacken-Poop, Big Blast Beast of Burden, El Gatito Bonito, El Gatito Gordo - and most recently Bubba.

Happy Birthday Pookie!


Lesley said...

Happy birthday, Pookie!!! I hope my kittehs are still going strong at 16. My Clementine is 3 today, so hey, catnip all around! Or coffee, which let's face it is humannip. :)

Nicki said...

Aww... so sweet. Sounds like a great kitty. And I personally prefer poopen-snack.