Tuesday, February 24, 2015

I have concussed myself

Yesterday I whacked my noggin on the corner of the counter top after picking up a piece of ice. Seriously? I can't make this stuff up.

After hitting said noggin; I stood momentarily blinded by pain and I swear I saw stars and tweeting birds circling above me. I managed to get to the dining room chair and put my head on the table, softly. I had to sit and take deep breaths. It hurt like a bitch.

I checked for blood. There was none. But man there's a goose egg taking up residency.

Then I channeled BigBro...I went on WebMD.

By the time I was finished I was sure they'd have to amputate  my right pinky toe and take out my gall bladder. 

In all seriousness, I don't appear to have a concussion, according to Dr. WebMD. I do, however, have one heckuva head ache.

It started just after the thumping on the counter...shocking I know. And kept up it's pace of pain for most the night. I turned in early and took TWO Tylenol PMs. 

This morning, every light, every sound, every thing hurt.  I managed to make it to work and with a little help from my caffeine and Tylenol cocktail I felt better. But as the day wore on the dull thud got increasingly worse.

I cancelled my evening plans and sat in a semi dark room trying to read. Which, admittedly isn't the best thing for a head ache. I tried watching TV and the sound hurt. I had to stay up long enough for SIL to drop something off and then it was off to bed.

But before I go to bed I had to share with the world that I am, in fact, still alive.  The whack of the noggin did not take me out...yet.