Friday, January 01, 2016

Hello 2016!!!

Well here it is.  A new year. A new beginning. A clean slate.

I happen to love new years day. I spend a good chunk of the day thinking what this year will bring to me...the good? The bad? And the ugly? All of it part of life and part of making me who I am.

Will I be prepared for what lies ahead? Probably not. But that's part of the fun.

This year I won't be doing goals as such. I'll still have my general goals like I have for many MANY years. Things like # of books read, scrapbooking, photography, weight, etc. Those were starting to just be my general need goals.

This year I've decided to go with the ever so popular "choose a word" idea. I've had friends who have done this in the past and I've been impressed with how their year blossoms by keeping one word, or a phase in mind.

This year I've chosen the word "PURPOSE".

I really am not 100% sure what this means yet, but as the year progresses I'm sure it' will unfold. The main thing with purpose is I want to really have purpose in everything I do. To think about what I'm doing, what I'm saying, what I'm eating etc...everything with purpose.

Meriam Webster defines purpose as:
  • : the reason why something is done or used : the aim or intention of something
  • : the feeling of being determined to do or achieve something
  • : the aim or goal of a person : what a person is trying to do, become, etc.

So we shall see how this goes. I'm not even sure what I really want to get out of this other than to really be a part of my life.