Friday, November 24, 2017

Happy Turkey Day...and all that stuff

Well, one of the many holidays I've been dreading came and went without much hoopla. I only lost it once yesterday, which is pretty amazing considering I figured it would be all day.

There's no doubt that I missed Mom yesterday. So may traditions that she and I had around Thanksgiving. None would anyone find remotely interesting or amusing, but she and I did. And that's all that matters.

As I was making one of the traditional casseroles for our dinner, I got to thinking about the "original recipe".
Broccoli Casserole. Oh boy do I love this dish. As I was making it yesterday I  noticed that we had one more ingredient that isn't on this recipe...we add sausage. Huh. So I got to thinking and this is what I suspect happened. Mom was cooking on Thanksgiving and had a role of sausage in the fridge and thought, "Hmmm, that might be good in there." and Voila...a new tradition is born.

Oh, and mom put in saute'd onions and celery. That's what I appreciated about Mom, and Dad really, is that the recipe was just a guideline. Which is, not too surprisingly, how I cook. Ahhh, the unexpected gifts parents give you.

So what did happen yesterday? Food. Lots and lots of food as only a Wraspir family can produce. I had The Nieces, Sister-in-Law, her mom, the Pantry Goat and her mom all over. It was a perfect gathering of people. I realized yesterday that not only was I thankful that Mom and I had so many cherished memories around Thanksgiving, but that I had friends I consider family and family I consider friends. What a blessing.

The rest of this weekend looks to be a little bit of everything. Today I'm scrapbooking, finished my Christmas cards and doing dishes. Tomorrow we put up the Christmas tree and watch the Cougs beat the Huskies in the Apple Cup (we hope). Sunday I'm going to play it low and maybe do some work to get myself prepared for what is likely to be the busiest week ever...

So from my house to yours, I hope your Thanksgiving was full of Thanks. That is, after all, what it's all about.