Sunday, August 04, 2019

Life just gets more crazier

For many years I've said my life theme song is Crazy Train by Ozzy Osbourne. It seems fitting. There are days where life isn't that crazy, and then there are days where, well, life just sucks.

Its been a rough couple of weeks at work and crazy is putting it mildly. I'd love to say it isn't going to get any crazier, but I fear if just may for a month or so. I still love what I do and enjoy all the people I work with, so that's helpful. But sometimes business decisions make work not so fun or easy.

The stress of work has often sent me into a tailspin with eating. I'm a stress and emotional eater. The more stressed I am, the more I want convenience, the more likely I am to eat fast food. You add any emotion into that mix and it's a horrible combination.

My go to has always been food. Food will save me. Food will make it all better. Food will alleviate the stress. 

Turns out...that's not true. I know! Shocking.

Food will save me, but not the type of food that used to save me. I had three nights last week where I left work late and all I wanted to do was swing into XYZ fast food joint and make dinner easy. I argued with myself all the way home about the options. I told myself lies like, "Just swing into the teriyaki place and just get chicken." I knew I wouldn't. I knew my emotions would yell and scream to get the chicken, rice and gyoza. Surely once I ate that I'd feel better. And I might...for a moment.

Each night the health won. Each night I managed to convince myself that the best thing I could do for myself and my emotions is to stay on plan. If I didn't, it would be ONE more stress that I'd be adding to myself. It wasn't worth it.

I also just discovered that I think I have to give up my Sunday treat of the Starbucks Ham and Cheese croissant. I love these. But my stomach really doesn't. This is the second Sunday in a row that I've gotten one and the second Sunday in a row that I feel gross and can't be too far from the facilities. On the plus side it's cleaning me out. But nope...I think it has to go.

I need bread of some type in my life, so I'm stepping out and trying all sorts of recipes that are low carb. So far it's been hit or miss on how good it us, but I'm convinced I'll find something that works. Today I'm making ranch crackers.