Sunday, August 30, 2020

Poof! August is gone!

 I feel like I'm repeating myself this year about how stunned I am when another month flashes by! It's the COVID affect I'm sure. Every day feels like the last so you don't realize an entire month has flown by. 

Let's see, what did August bring?

1. More work. Lots more work. It feels like our customers are ramping up for training to be done in Q4. That just means we're busier than normal, which I'm ok with. The days of working 16 hours a day are behind me, and even being as busy as we are, I'm only working about 10...

2. We surprised Janet for her 60th birthday last night. She thought she was coming over to go to a new restaurant with me. She didn't have a clue we were hiding in the house waiting to yell SURPRISE! I was bummed when we realized she couldn't have a big part for her 60th, so The Niece and I figured out a way to do something. 

3. I finished my 2000, 2006 and 2007 Travel Notebook conversion. It's been so much fun walking down memory lane and using up all my stash to recreate the pages from my 12X12 album to the smaller Traveler Notebook. Also finished Boston from last year. Can't do anything else, so might as well scrapbook. 

4. The demons are doing fine. They still seem to love that I'm home and take full advantage of the lap.

5. Book club had us reading The Chain - a mystery Sherrie picked. It has this bizarre plot that a kid gets kidnapped and the mom is notified that she has to kidnap another kid so she can get hers back. Turns out she figures out who the bad people are and saves the day. Pretty interesting to think about what you would do. 

6. Started walking 2-3X a week. Want to get it up to at least 4. Found my fitbit and now I need to charge it and get the band fixed. 

7. Had my annual mammogram/ultrasound fun. Everything was fine. No need to come back for a year! Woo hoo. But what an odd waiting room experience. An older Indian lady was waiting and she struck up a conversation with me that ended with asking if I was married and then she started thinking of single men she knew. 

8. Sunday dinner at Janet's. We did "bring your favorite appetizer and bottle of wine" as a theme. It's good to actually see people again. Though we realize that the next Sunday dinner may be the last we get to do outside. 

9. Chris Muncy from high school was in town. He, Todd Kruse and I met for coffee on morning and get caught up on life since the last time we'd seen each other like 20 years ago. 

So I'll pretend I'll write more here, but we all know that around the end of Sept I'm going to be shocked and stunned that Sept is over.