Monday, December 26, 2022

That's a Wrap

Christmas 2022 is done! 

I didn't do a whole lot yesterday. Janet and Ashley were coming to dinner so I had the whole day to just hang out and do whatever I wanted. Normally, I'd be up in the scrapbook room doing something, but just didn't feel it yesterday. 

All day I felt like a dark cloud was hanging over me. I felt lonely. I felt like the loss of both my parents was really real. I felt like all the traditions we had for Christmas are gone. No one to share them with anymore. I was sad most the day. Even as I type this I can feel the tears wanting to come. 

I kept trying to tell myself it was just another day. Nothing to be sad about. It was only a Sunday in which people were coming to dinner. And no matter how I tried to convince myself, it didn't work. It was a Sunday but it was also Christmas.

Despite the sadness and grief that was boiling inside of me, I had a pretty good day. I made lasagna for Christmas dinner. In all my life I've never made lasagna for Christmas dinner. It has almost always been a nice cut of beef of some sort. But with so few of us here I decided something new was in order. The recipe for this lasagna is over on the cooking blog

We started the celebration with the traditional Clam Dip. This batch turned out so good. I swear I follow the recipe every time for this dip. Sometimes it's spot on. Sometimes it's not. Yesterday it was spot on. 

After all was said and done, it was a nice evening. Good wine. Good food. Good conversation. Good TV (we watched Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives all evening). 

Now I turn to the birthday celebration and the new year. Bring it!