Saturday, January 18, 2020

In Memory of Mom...

Today was the 3rd Annual "Let's Go to Salty's for Mom" brunch. This year we expanded the invite list to include the Pantry goat and Mr & Mrs. Braspir. Unfortunately the PantryGoat was sickish (the smell of food made her sick) and Mrs. Braspir was off saving the world with the Red Cross. So that left, Seattle SIL, The Niece, Blueberry, Mr. Braspir and myself to sit and eat like gluttons in memory of mom.

And oh boy did we.

You never can get the full value out of this buffet cuz there's SO MUCH FOOD. But Salty's puts on a fantastic brunch.

Thursday marked 3 years since Mom passed. This year was very different from the last two. The first year was...well, hard. Last year was so so. This year... whoa. Grief is so bizarre.

Usually the week leading up to it is the hard part. I get myself all in a tither when I think about the day that's coming up. Then when the day arrives, nothing.

This year, we had a snow event that took my mind off everything, apparently. Then suddenly on the 16th my mind went, "Ahh yes...I know what today is." and it hit me. Grief.

I miss mom so much. I miss her daily. So many times I have wanted to call her. So many things I've wanted to tell her. She'd be so proud of where I am and what I'm doing. She'd be so proud of all her grandkids too. She is missed by all.

Did I mention we had a snow event? Lord. I hate snow so much. It's pretty and all, but when it hits the streets here the city shuts down. I have zero confidence with driving in the snow and Wroamin just doesn't do well, so I stay home.

Then what happens is I get cabin fever and MUST go out. That happened about the time my boss wanted me in the office so he drove out to pick me up and took me home later. It was good to get out of the house for sure.

The snow is gone now...mostly. There's still some on the ground in big piles where it was plowed. Otherwise it's long gone. I really hope that's all we have for this year.

As for how the year's far so good. I'm still feeling super motivated with My Little Word - "Finish it!". Been working on a decluttering schedule this month. It feels so good to declutter and get rid of stuff. With planning on moving in a year, I need to be prepared to have half the crap I currently have.

Ok. I'm going to spend the rest of the day napping. I'm stuffed beyond belief...super thirsty but can't drink too much because I'm so stuffed.