Thursday, July 23, 2020

A Little Bit of This...a little bit of that

And **snap** July is almost over. 2020 is not going to have very much to show for it. Washington was in Phase 3 for a hot second, then the numbers went back up. Too many crazy people not paying attention, wearing masks, and not social distancing. The restaurants opening ever so slightly caused our numbers to go up too. So the governor today announced that he's putting some more restrictions around eating out. 

Meanwhile in the Wraspir household, every day feels like the last. Nothing real exciting to look forward to. So... it's a good time to do a round of CURRENTLY...

Loving: Street Tacos. It's officially an addiction.

Eating: Street Tacos. I've rediscovered this little restaurant here that make the BEST street tacos I've had in a very long time. And now that I've tasted them again, I feel like I can't get enough of them. It's the craziest thing. Wroamin' just drives there. 

Reading: You wouldn't be surprised if I said the menu at the street taco restaurant. But alas... I'm reading our book club book ... The Chain by Adrian McKinty. And by "reading" I mean I started it tonight. I've been reading several books of the Flowers in the Attic series. I hadn't realized V. C. Andrews had written so many in that series. I remember reading Flowers in the Attic when it first came out. I'm not sure I really understood the story as well as I understand it as an adult. 

Watching: I binge watched The Alienist yesterday and today (the fun of working from home). It's a dark murder mystery set in the late 19th century. The main character is called an "alienist" which, back then, were people who studied the human behavior behind murder and other odd things. It's dark. But very interesting. 

Listening: At this very moment, listening to the cats go at it. Lucy has been in a mood today and poor Linus isn't smart enough to leave her alone. 

Creating: I'm working on the scrapbook from Boston. I changed up the format for this one. I traditionally do a 12X12 layout format. I've decided to give the 8X6 size a go. It's harder for sure, but it's turning out to be really good. 

In other news, I finally broke down and bought myself a new office chair. The one I have I have had for 15 years and let's just say the padding is a bit flattened. The cats helped me put it together and then scanned it. 

And that's me all caught up. Now...I gotta get this chair upstairs before it becomes a piece of cat furniture.