Saturday, November 08, 2014

Checking In

This is the first time when changing my life choices that I've not weighed myself weekly, or daily. I used to weigh myself every morning because I just felt I needed to know. It's absolutely the wrong thing to do.  It can be motivating, but can be demoralizing too. The motivating part was, "Oh look! I lost 2 oz." As if that mattered in the grand scheme. 

But that's where I was emotionally.  I needed that number to feel confident that making these food and exercises choices were the right thing to do.  And it was the right thing to do, but I wasn't really looking at it as  "life changing" choices.  I saw it as temporary.

I didn't realize the real chatter in my head was telling me, "Thank god this is temporary. When I loose X number of pounds I can eat whatever I want."

You see what's wrong with that right?

This morning, I pulled my scale out from under my bed and weighed myself.  I've lost 11 lbs.  That's 11 lbs in 8 weeks.  Slower than I want, but slow and steady wins the race I think.  The thing is, this number really doesn't matter to me.

That's weird to me.

The PM in me needs to know what's what at this 2 month milestone. 

The new Jenn, however, knows that in these 2 months a lot has happened.  And sure I would have loved to see the 3 lbs a week they talk about at Positive Changes (the message in the hypnosis is 1 to 3 lbs a week. I suspect the 3 lbs are for young chickens, not almost 46 year old chickens.)

Don't get me wrong, 11 lbs feels great. What I know to be true is this:

11 lbs is 11 less than I was.

11 lbs is 11 lbs closer to being healthier

I've made some great choices with regards to food

I joined a new gym and love it (in fact am dressed right now to go at 10am)

I've only had fast food twice in 8 weeks. Once because there was no other option. And once because I was craving fries. I paid the price for that last one.

I'm very content with my progress emotionally and physically

I'm optimistic about my future.

So there you go.  I'm on the right track. I feel great and I'm ready to see, honestly see, this as an actual life change.  I've realized that I can still have those wonderful foods I love. I just can't have them two times a day. Or every day.