Sunday, May 19, 2024

Port 1: Marseille France

We got onboard pretty easily yesterday. Not too much hassle or chaos. I mean there's always chaos because of the number of people. 

Our first meal on the ship was at the Brazilian Steakhouse. My god the amount of food they put on our plate was amazing. There was chicken, pork, sausage, flank steak, filet mignon, and lamb - which I passed on. They included some sides that were sautéed mushrooms, fried yucca, some potatoes and I think beans.  To say we had the meat sweats would be putting it mildly. 

Something got in my gut overnight and I had what we are now calling the "Jenns". I couldn't be too far from a bathroom. I was exhausted, dehydrated and had loose bowels. So, I opted to stay on the ship and send Janet to see Marseille and Avignon. 

It was a tough decision to make, knowing I'd be losing money, but it was the right decision to make. As Janet was gallivanting around France, I was in the room sleeping and getting my steps in to and from the bathroom. 

Maybe tomorrow will be better.