Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Port 3: Florence / Pisa

Today we docked in Livorno. Nothing interesting to do in Livorno so we headed off to Florence and Pisa. I’ve been to both but I don’t think I could ever get enough of either place.

Pisa is the same as always. Tons of people and yet such an amazing thing to see. The tower is still leaning.

We had 45 minutes give or take so we took our crab photo and then I took off to find the bathroom.

I’m feeling better today. Actually, started to take the Imodium correctly and it seemed to do the trick. So yay.

Back on the bus we headed to Florence.

What a city! So many amazing things to see there. Our guide took us throughout the old city. We started at Santa Croce church and had about 30 minutes of free time to go to the bathroom and wander around. Just as we were gathering to leave the skies opened up and just down poured on us. So we stood under awnings for a bit to let it stop. Then it was off to see the medieval town. He took us through narrow passageways trying to avoid the crowds and it was fantastic.

In one of the small alleys he pointed out a wine window to us. The tradition of the wine window dates back to the 16th century when aristocratic families were granted permission to sell the wine they produced in the countryside to consumers directly through these windows without a middleman or being taxed. It’s brilliant.

Next stop was Ponte Vecchio. It’s a bridge that is over the River Arno. It is the only bridge that was not bombed during WWII and was left standing. It originally housed all butchers but the rich got tired of the smell and so kicked them out and now it’s all gold jewelry and pick pockets.

Following that it was off to the Piazza della Signoria statues. Some amazing works of art here.

Finally it was time for lunch. Our guide took us to a nice hotel that was once a palace for lunch. The palace was once owned by the Borghese family. Now it’s a fancy hotel and delicious restaurant. We had pesto lasagna, some turkey and potato thing and a dessert. I ate very little even though I was starving because I just wasn’t sure how my body would react.

Next stop, the Duomo. It’s such an amazing building. The three colors of marble really make this a masterpiece.

After that the guide walked us back to Santa Croce church and gave us about an hour of freetime. Janet and I took that time to get some gelato and just sit.

As we got ready to get back on the ship we decided to do a selfie in front of the ship. The wind was blowing so hard that we had a hard time getting our crab hats on. Then we started giggling and that made it worse. After we took the photo we laughed even more. Our crab limbs are all over the place.

Leaving Livorno tonight is a rocky one. The wind has the water all churned up and we are rocking back and forth. Good times.