Saturday, May 25, 2024

Port 7: Corfu Greece

Woke feeling ok. Tried to get some breakfast down and managed to get some Cheerios down. Wish I had tried those earlier the week.

Corfu is beautiful. It's clearly a tourist island and that's about all. Still it was fun to get off the ship and see the beautiful sights of Corfu. 

The first stop we made was to Mouse Island. The legend of Mouse Island as told by the tour guide ...

According to the legend, Pontikonisi was Odysseus’s ship, the vessel that brought the legendary king of Ithaca and the hero of Homer’s epic poem, The Odyssey, to the island of the Phaeacians. It was during a terrible storm that the boat was washed up on the shores of the island, and the god Poseidon turned his boat into green rock, giving it his name.

Whether its true or not, the island was sure beautiful. 

Further into the island we walked to this Mansion. They called it a castle, but it's clearly a mansion. This villa was built as a summer residence for the British Lord High Commissioner. Nothing really interesting inside the mansion to see. 

This little building is where Prince Phillip (Queen Elizabeth's husband) was born. 

Then we walked around the main street/shopping center in Corfu. Oh. My. God. The number of people. There was no WAY I'd be walking down the road to "shop". No thanks. I found myself a little hut that sold ice cold Fanta and sat and drank it in the park (Janet did as well). 

On our way back to the bus we found this lovely lounging in the park. I did the "pspspsp" and he came right over. He wouldn't let me pet him though. He was just out of reach. 

We drove to another part of the island for lunch. It was THE BEST lunch of the trip. Beautiful location and yummy food. 

We started with this salad and pita with sauces on top of them. One of them was tzatziki and the other two I had no idea. 

That was followed by the slow braised beef and pasta in a tomato sauce. Oh lord was it good. 

This was our view from lunch.