Monday, May 20, 2024

Port 2: Cannes / Nice

I sure needed the rest yesterday and I'm hoping it has me ready to go today for Nice. 

This excursion is a short 4.5 hour trip so I'm hoping my stomach keeps the grossness at bay. Fingers crossed. 

Cannes is the only port we had to tender in. Instead of using the life boats like normal we got to get on a ferry like thing instead. 

Our tour started with a drive to Nice. It's only about 30 minutes away. The countryside is pretty and entertained us all the same. 

We drove down the English Walk for about a half of mile. And not really the interesting side of it. The bus then took us up a big, windy hill to the top. We stopped, got out. The tour guide pointed out the restrooms, which I gladly took advantage of. 

When we all got done with the potty, the tour guide was gone and so we all got back on the bus. Apparently, she took those who didn't use the restroom down the trail to see some garden or something. 

So let me get this straight. We drove all the way up this hill to go potty? Lame.

Back down the hill, the bus dropped us off and we walked to the "Flower Market". Only the "Flower Market" on Monday's don't sell flowers, but more garage sale stuff. So boring. But at the end of the market was a bathroom and for 1 whole Euro I got to use it. 

After that the tour guide gave us free time. Janet and I found a cafe and sat in the sun drinking Fantas. I wasn't really up for more walking and there wasn't anything to see anyhow. 

When we got done we walked back up the street to the plaza with the naked guy and waited for the tour guide. 

All in all, WORST EXCURSION EVER! Totally not worth the money and one of the most boring excursions I've ever been on. Honestly, I'm not sure what I expected. I hadn't been to Nice since 1987 Senior Skip day and maybe I was thinking it was a cooler place than it was. 

Back on the boat and my tummy is still not behaving. I ate a bit more tonight, but not much. Trying to keep relatively boring foods in my system. 

Tomorrow we're in Florence and Pisa. That should be exciting.