Thursday, May 23, 2024

Port 5: Naples (Pompeii, Sorrento, Capri)

Sad day for me. I choose to stay behind again. The entire night I was up and down at least a dozen times with gastro issues and leg cramps. I think I walked a mile just in this room last night.

It was probably about 4am when I decided I couldn’t possibly go out and walk another 17,000 steps in the heat today. I have to get my legs in order and perhaps get as hydrated as I can.

I really wanted to see Pompeii, Capri and Sorrento, but my thought was if I can rest today perhaps the last three ports will be better and I’ve not seen those ports. Only wished I would have skipped Rome instead.

Janet wasn’t happy about this either. I think she’s sad for me and for her cuz she had to do this excursion on her own. Such a bummer.

I spent the day in the room drinking water like crazy. Drinking electrolytes like mad and generally stretching as best as I could.

I do feel better now, but I know tomorrow is going to be another tough day. The description says “approximately 1 hour of moderate to strenuous walking”. Great.

I think what bothers me the most is I am so miserable and it’s all my fault. I mean Portugal was difficult. But I never felt in Portugal like I did yesterday. I just wanted it all to end. I no longer wanted to travel. I am not sure I want to do Greece next year.