Saturday, February 01, 2020

In Like a Lion...

I'm so glad January is done. I'm not sure why it was such a tough month, but it seems like everyone feels like it. January had snow, and was the 6th wettest January for our area. Yesterday, through last night, was another soaker. There are places in the Seattle area that got almost 8 inches.  EIGHT inches of rain!! Which means, flooding.

Thankfully, heavy rains are not moving to "scattered" showers. Which, frankly, I hate. I like the hard pounding rain. I just don't like it constantly. Though, silver lining, it's not snow.

So bring it on February, let's see what you got.

In other news, I hear there's an impeachment trial going on. And that's all that I know. I am purposely staying away from that mess. Nothing good comes out of discussing that .. and if I were honest, nothing useful comes out of staying in touch with it. Both sides lie, so we'll never know.

And in still other news...I finished ONE book in January! ONE. My goal this year is 50 books this year - which means I need to average about 4 a month. The thing is, I have a bunch of books over 400 pages and those take so long to get through. For that reason, I think I may be changing my goal to a number of pages. Last year I read 17,000 total pages. I think that shall be my goal.

Work still seems to be a big focus in my life. We're about to have some changes at work that may not get me the VP promotion I was anticipating and being groomed for. New CEOs tend to change things up so I shouldn't be surprised. It's funny how I really didn't want to be a VP originally. Afraid of it. I didn't know if I could do it. Then I slowly realized, and was told, no one knows how to be a VP, you just learn. So then I wanted to be a VP. Now that it might not happen, I'm bummed. I've worked hard for where I am and have endured some amazing, soul crushing times. If the VP thing doesn't happen, maybe they can at least promote me to Senior Director!

All that at work, and I gotta say the company has changed so drastically. We have a set of leaders in place now that are so fantastic. So amazing. So smart and I'm so glad it's there now. The work remains interesting and the changes are scary but fun. We're all being pushed to move faster and make decisions that will help us move faster. I love that!

Today starts my "no drinking" February.  I have one wine tasting date I already put on the calendar, but other than that I'm going to try to not drink this month. This is for now reason other than it's on my list of 50 things to do this month. It won't be difficult really. I don't drink that much. Wine on Sunday dinner and occasionally at dinners out.

Janet and I are also on the count down to our up and coming trip. We got our air set up and that seemed to tip us into the "OMG this is happening". I need to really get to the gym now  (she says every single freakin' month) and get my walking stamina up. Look out we come.