Thursday, September 02, 2021

In like a lion...

 And just like that...we're in September. 

We've had an odd summer here in the Pacific Northwest. 

I'll start with the end of June and the "heat dome" that sat over our region. It was hotter than Hades. For a good 4 days we hit, outside, high 90's in most areas. And well over 100 in others. It got so bad the house was consistently at / around 90 degrees. It wouldn't cool off at night, so the house never got the chance to cool off. My downstairs stayed steady between 90 and 94. Upstairs got up to 97 and was impossible to sleep in. The fans just couldn't keep up either. 

I ordered a portable AC unit. It was delivered a couple of days after the heat dome. Since then the weather has not at all required an AC. Typical. 

July I don't remember at all. I mean, nothing. It flew by so fast I couldn't even tell you what the weather was like. 

August was below average. It stayed in the mid-70s for most the month. Which was perfect. In my opinion. We had a day or two in the low 80's but otherwise, perfect. 

Then on Sept 1st...WHAM the fall. You can feel the crisp in the air. The smell of wood burning in stoves. And of course, pumpkin spice is back. 

I love fall, but I'm not quite ready for it. It was so chilly on the last day of August that I walked around the house with slippers and a sweatshirt on. IN AUGUST! I woke to it being 62 degrees downstairs and I refused to turn on the heater. I will not turn on the heater in August. That's just wrong on so many levels. 

So here we are in September. I have a feeling the next 4 months are going to fly by as fast as the first 8 of this year has. Even with COVID still lingering time is flying by.