Thursday, August 10, 2023

Que Pasa?

Hello and welcome to another, what feels like, monthly update on the Life of Jenn. I figured it's a good time to do a Currently list. I've not done one for a long time, and this really does cover what's happening in my little world. 

Every year I have a goal to read 50 books (or 15,000 pages). Every year, I get behind somehow and have to play catch up. This year is no different. When I need to catch up, I need quick, easy, but interesting, reads. 

In 2009 I started earing Charlain Harris Aurora Teagarden series. I got hooked on Charlain Harris thanks to her True Blood series. I was thrilled to see she wrote other series. Aurora Teagarden was super enjoyable to read. So I decided to reread them. In the last month, I've read 7 books. That will get me closer to my goal. What's great about them? I don't really remember any of the stories so it's like reading them for the first time.

I went through my summer slump in June. I really don't know why, but when June comes around I don't want to cook at all. I made a whoppin 8 new recipes in June - when my average is 13, that just feels like I fell short to keep up my average. But June is over (and so is July) and I'm getting back into the swing of cooking again. I've made 105 new recipes this year. While I didn't have an official goal - the unofficial goal is 150 again. 

Ice Mochas! After 2 years, wait - 3 years, of working from home, I finally cleaned out and set up my Nespresso. I had it out since I moved, but didn't really have it set up. So one afternoon I figured I'd pull out the coffee sideboard and plug it in so it'd always be available. 

I inadvertently discovered a cat toy graveyard in the process. 

Now that we have that all cleaned out, I also bought some expresso shot glasses to pull a 5oz shot. Just about every day now I've made myself an ice mocha. I've finally got it down the the exact measurements of espresso, chocolate, milk and ice. 

Anxious! Our Portugal trip is quickly approaching and I don't feel like I'm ready for the hills that I've heard about in Portugal. 

One side of me says, it's fine. You'll be fine. The other side of me does not want to be tired from hills. So I've started walking up and down the hill by my house. It's a small hill, but a hill all the same. I figured I I can walk up that hill in the heat of the day and actually be OK at the top, that's progress. 

My new past time. Coloring. I was cleaning out a drawer and I found my coloring pad and markers. So each night I've done a little coloring. It's quite relaxing...and not at the same time. I'm very critical of myself if I go out of the lines. 

On occasion I turn on Pandora when I'm working, especially if I'm doing something that doesn't require a lot of concentration. I was bored with my stations on Pandora so I started poking around. I came across Country 90's radio. This was when I actually listened to country music and hearing some of those songs brought back good memories. 

Let's not talk about work WORK. Let's talk about fun work, like scrapbooking. I've been pounding through my projects this year and really focusing on a technique called Layering. I've taken a series of design classes from my favorite celebrity scrapbooker and have wanted to put what I've learned to good use. 

The thing is, I'm bored with all the projects. It's a lot to get sucked into a project and then turn around and start another after you've finished. I decided that I'm going to do 5 random pages a week. 

Not only can I practice my layering, but since the photos rarely have any real importance, I can use up all my stash too. 

The projects I've finished this year: 
Converting 12x12 to 8x6 albums:
  • Oahu 2003
  • Kauai 2003
  • England 2007
  • San Francisco 2008
New Albums 12x12
  • Lugano 2022
  • Viking Cruise 2022
New 8x6 Albums
  • Niece's wedding
  • Nashville
  • London 2023
  • Sunday Dinners 2022
  • Sunday Dinners 2023
  • Up to date with 2023 photos
  • 10 misc pages
Phew. I'm exhausted just looking at that list. I've scrapped 299 pages this year!

I've been wanting to buy some shelving for the garage to organize it a bit more. But instead of buying new shelving, I think I want to use the wire shelving I have in my office that's currently holding all my 12x12 albums. What will I do with my albums you ask? Well, I want two of these book shelves from IKEA. 

I saw in a scrapbook facebook group a woman's scrapbook room and she had these book shelves. They look so nice and way more professional than my wire wracks.  But I think I'll wait and do this for my birthday this year. 

So that's it. That's me and what's been happening in my world.