Sunday, March 03, 2024

March Madness

I am not a basketball fan. Not even close. But, I am doing a March Madness of sorts. 

Friend France mentioned that she was doing this thing she was calling "March Madness". Her goal is to walk/exercise at least 30 minutes a day for 30 days. That sounds like a solid goal. It sounds like a lot, but why not give it a shot. 

So I told France I was all in. 

I'm a believer that the Universe tells us things all the time. If only we just listen. I could give you a dozen examples of how that's played out in my life, but I'm sure you've experienced. That gut feeling. The turn right instead of turn left gut punch you get every now and then. I have that all the time. Sometimes I listen. Sometimes I don't. I've gotten two tickets from not listening. 

I took Friday off to run some errands and to just generally have an extra day for the weekend. I do it every month. I take one Friday off a month. Call it mental health adjustment. This Friday I wanted to do some comparison shopping on chicken. (Someday I'll tell you about my weird chicken quirk I have). 

My dad love Sprouts and so I figured I'd swing over to Sprouts and see what they have and what their prices are. Next door to Sprouts is my old gym Planet Fitness. I've been meaning to go in and cancel my membership there since I have a member ship at 24 hour Fitness now. 

As I was walking over to the gym I thought, you know why not get on a treadmill. You've got tennis shoes on. You've got a bra on. You've got music. What's stopping you from walking for 15-30 minutes. AND you've got a trip looming in which you need to get into some type of shape. 

Decision made. I walked into Planet Fitness and expected bells and whistles to go off indicating I hadn't been there in a thousand years. Nothing like that happened. 

I found a treadmill and walked. I turned up the incline at some point and just people watched and walked. It was all over in no time. 

Got off and left. 

When I got home I was chatting with France and our other friend Anandi and mentioned this whole thing and that's when France told me about her March Madness plan. I was all in. 

Having accountability with someone else makes a big difference with me. It amazes me I can't be accountable for myself. I am at work. I am with other aspects of my life. But when it comes to working out goals, I have a bucket full of excuses. 

France and I have a plan. Anandi wanted in too. She lives out of state so we made a plan to send photos of our walking/exercise for the day. 

I've walked two days in a row now. Which for most people sounds funny - but when you work from home and have no reason to leave, it's easy to not walk too far. 

So here we go. Let's see what March brings us. I have 76 days before our big Mediterranean cruise and if Portugal was any indication of how out of shape I am to travel, then I really need to get going. I can do this. I will do this. I even bought a walking platform to have at home. That should really help.