Monday, July 15, 2013

Job status, Health status and Sunday Dinner

On the job front, I had a great interview on Friday and am now just sitting and trying to patiently wait for a decision. The hiring manager is likely gone this week at a HUGE MS event so I most likely will not hear until after this week.

And I won't be just sitting back and waiting. I'm still actively searching for a job. July 31st is quickly approaching and I need a job.

On the health front...

I've been on Weight Watchers for about 3 weeks now (starting my 4th week) and I've not been 100% committed. I've been only half way paying attention, and logging my info, and not working out.  Two weeks now I've neither gained nor lost any weight.  That ends today.

Today I start with a plan. I've modified a meal plan I found online that one of my favorite bloggers is doing for her mother.  Each week now, 4 weeks in, she's posted a menu plan for her mom. It's perfect for me. I just have to use what she's already done. And so I've built myself a menu plan for the week based off hers. I adjusted it to meet my tastes and needs.

You'll notice, for example, Tuesday's dinner it says "Jaliscos". That's because I'm going out to dinner that night.  And Thursday lunch says "Out with Nancy" again - cuz that's what's on my calendar.

Everything else is basically what I'm eating for the week.  I'm not convinced the calorie counts are accurate, so I'll continue tracking in MyFitnessPal and the Weight Watchers app.  Eventually I need to just track in one, but for now, I'll do both. They both have help in a unique way. MyFitnessPal shows the calories, and WW shows the points.  Until I get comfortable with how many calories are about what the total number of points are for me, I'll keep doing both. At the end of the day, really, I'm still eating better and that coupled with working out, I should start losing.  As long as I stay the course.

See, here's the thing, if it's written out like this I'm WAY more likely to follow it.  I have a plan for every meal. There should be no surprises. 

The other key is actually prepping food ahead of time so you'll follow your plan.  For example, I cut watermelon this weekend and put it in individual serving containers. So when I'm getting my lunch ready to pack to work, I just grab a container. The same is true for the cheese/grapes and nuts/raisin snacks.  Its done. It's a simple grab and I'm out the door.

I'm feeling very motivated this week so I figured I might as well restart the Couch to 5K stuff again. I'll be starting with week 1 today and plan to finish the entire week and move on. I've already done this so there isn't any question as to whether I can or cannot do it.  Tighten up the shoe laces, get off the couch and run.

I'll keep you posted as the week progresses. I know you're dying to see how this ends.

On another note, Sunday dinner was last night. I kept it light, simple and delicious.  The light part is new and something I'd like to continue to try to do.  I use Sunday Dinner as an excuse to make comfort food often, and that's ok and I'm sure it'll happen again, but when I can make it lighter, I'm going to try.

I totally forgot Daisy or Sparkle for the photo last night. We were all so concerned about getting the animals to cooperate that I completely forgot the duck.


Unknown said...

Go you! The planning is critical, I've found :)