Wednesday, October 08, 2014

Quantum Fusion

A scientist I am not. In fact, science in school was one of my least favorite subjects. And yet, science fascinates me. Interest in something is very different than being good at something. I leave the "being good at" to the scientists of the world.

Yesterday was my weekly appointment at PC for my weekly acceleration classes. Essentially two hypnosis sessions - 30 minutes each, and a video of some useful piece of information. Yesterday's hypnosis session - at least one of them - focused on the "embarrassment of being overweight" and how to no be anymore.  An interesting topic that triggered some thoughts in my mind that I'm still mulling over and they may, or may not, end up on this blog.

The video and second hypnosis session are the one's I want to discuss today.

Have I mentioned that this reprogramming of my mind fascinates me? Hypnosis is quite interesting, and it seems to be working since I'm down 9  lbs.

Yesterday's topic was on Quantum Fusion Technique. I've experienced this already in my daily AM recording they have you listen to for the first month (in addition to the personal recording) but didn't really understand what it is.

What it boils down to is this: The Quantum Fusion Technique is for the person who says, "I really want to change, but there is a part of me that just won't allow it to happen." Basically this technique let's you acknowledge this part that seems to be holding on to your past behaviors and attitudes. Once you acknowledge that, it can then be fused with the part that strongly wants the change to occur.

So it's your future self telling your past self that "right I hear ya but we aren't working that way anymore. Let's try this new way." The idea being the two have to coexist together eventually.  Both parts are positive, or at least have positive intentions. When they are brought together, they are more powerful than standing alone.

That sounds like a lot of ju-ju to me. Yet at the same time it makes sense.  I mean think of the 12-step programs you've heard of. They always say you have to admit you have a problem before you can move on. Your past self has played a significant role in who you currently are. I can't imagine abandoning that.  I need to remember my past self so I can make sure my future self (and present self) are as strong as they can be.

Other strange things that are happening:

In my previous life this was the conversation I'd have with myself.

Me: I think I might be hungry.
My subconscious: "There are pretzels in the'd better eat them now or they'll go away and you'll be hungry."
Me: You're right. I'd better eat them now in case I get hungry later.

Versus this conversation I seem to now be having:

Me: I know there are pretzels in the drawer.
My subconscious: "yah, so? There are pretzels in the drawer. They'll be there when/if you're hungry."
Me: good point