Tuesday, September 24, 2019


Officially down 23 lbs.  I feel fantastic. My goal of 25 lbs was by Oct 9th (according to LoseIt that is. I told them my first goal and it told me based on my calorie intake, exercise plan etc how long to hit that goal.) I'm so close.

There are a number of inches that are also gone - which is almost more important than the weight in my opinion. I've been noticing dumb things (correction, they aren't dumb they just may not seem as much of a big deal to an average size person as they do to me) too. Like, chairs.

You know those chairs in waiting rooms that are really uncomfortable? My ass and hips rarely fit in them comfortably. It's always been snug. I've noticed some at work where I fit in them just fine. No longer feeling like I'm going to need baby oil to get me out of them.

I fit into the airplane seat without putting the arm rest up too. And I put on my seatbelt in the plane without asking for an extender. THAT's huge for me. It's always been shameful to me to have to ask, but I had to. This trip to Boston I didn't even have to suck it in for the seat belt to fit.

I met with my nutritionist today and we had a good laugh over my averages for the last 6 weeks. He wants me between 50-70 grams of carbs and 110 grams of protein. My averages while on vacation were 109 g carbs and 50 protein. Completely swapped. Yet, I managed to lose 5 lbs in those 6 weeks since I last saw him.

I stopped taking phentermine too. It was causing my heart to race and it wasn't good. He told me that since it's a stimulant that it does sometimes do that when a person has been on it for 4 months or so. In fact it's been about that for me. So I stopped taking it early Sept and I haven't even noticed.

What I have noticed is I can poop again (sorry TMI), I can sleep again and I'm not having the leg cramps I've had. So I think it's better that I'm off it.

So now what? If I hit my goal by Oct 9th (and a good chance I will), what next? Easy...another 25 lbs. And I need to get my blood work done again to see if my diabetes number went down. I'm sure it has...but I need to confirm it.

It feels good. Did I mention that?