Thursday, February 24, 2022

It's My Life...

On Jan 1, 2022 I vowed to write more in this blog. I enjoy writing, but often run out of ideas as to what to write about. Back in the day before Social Media, the blog discussed my daily life. Social media fills that role now. 

Every now and then a topic will come to mind and I'd write it down on a list. Never actually writing about it, but making a beautiful, (and long) list. I keep thinking I'll pull out one of those topics and go to town. 

Then I started thinking about my mortality. Anyone who knows me knows that's a hot topic for me. Mostly the making sure you're prepared for it. Well, actually making sure that you leave your loved ones with as little to think about as possible so they can spend more time morning your loss. 


When mom was alive, somewhere in her late 50's early 60's she started talking more and more about her life. Stories I'd never heard before. I loved hearing those stories. I'd often mock her for whatever ridiculous hair do or clothing she'd talk about. When she died I found two "journals" that were basically prompts to tell your life story. What a treasure! She didn't answer all the questions, but she answered most. 

Then I got to thinking about scrapbooking and how it's telling a story via pictures and what not. But it doesn't tell the "good stuff" like, first kiss, or first job, etc.  Some of the topics on my list are around those good ideas - just not all that many and really not all that interesting. 

I decided, then, that I needed some guidance on writing my life story. I got this funky book that has all the types of prompts that Mom had in the journals I found. 

I doubt I'll answer the questions in order and I'm sure I won't answer all the questions. I mean there's an entire section on Marriage and one on parenting. Though I may write about parenting two worthless, good for nothing felines. 

Some of the questions are really making me think hard. Dig deep in my memories. The first question is "What is your earliest childhood memory? What comes to mind as you remember this?"

And here is where I over think it. I often wonder if I have an actual memory, or if that memory is a photo. You know what I mean? I see some photos of my childhood and I think I remember that time, but I can't tell if I do or the picture is the memory. I know, confusing right?

Anyhow, I'll start posting some of these stories as soon as I can remember some of them. The first question is causing me some deep thought.