Saturday, December 30, 2023


I'm 55!

I'm 55!

I'M 55!

I'm gonna keep saying it until I believe it. 

I'm 55!

How? How did I get to be 55? (That's a rhetorical question. I know how).

Birthday's rarely bother me. It's a number, not a mind set. And up to 55 I've been doing ok with that thought. But 55 is a number to me. A big number. 

When I was younger, 55 was when people retired. It's when they started getting ready to spend their hard earned cash doing the fun things in life. AARP called and sent you a card. It was your "next part" of your life. 

That's not true these days. It may not be true for me ever. 

And that's another thing, when I think about my life, as I do too often, I like to think that I've done pretty well. I've lived a good life and plan on continuing to live said good life. 

I have had steady jobs. Each one teaching me what I like, or dislike, about working, the people I work with and managers. I believe I'm at the pinnacle of my career and you know what, I'm ok with that in a way I never thought I would be. The ambition is no longer to climb the ladder, but to continue being consistent in my work life. Learn, grown and just be. That's my attituded now. 

I have see the world. Oh boy have I. I've been to places I once only imagined I'd visit. I was never sure after leaving TASIS if I would ever see Europe again. Now I'm seen the majority of Europe and still have more to see. I'm so very thankful for being about to travel and see the world, learn about history, learn about different cultures and experience things that are magical. 

I have friends who love me and who I love in return. In you're 20's you have a gaggle of friends and you believe they are family. Some of those friends stay with you as your grow, but are no longer family. Some of those friends are by your side constantly and stay in your life well into your 50's. Those friends stay as family and welcome the "Wraspir" last name. They keep you level, they call you on your BS, they often give you crap about anything, they love you, they hug you, they eat your food, they listen, they will be there for you. I'm very grateful for those friends. They know who they are and if they don't, then they aren't those friends. 

In 1998 when my Aunt Jean took me to buy my first scrapbook stuff, I never would have guessed that that 30 year old would be the scrapbooking queen she is today. My craft has really come a long way. I love scrapbooking and love even more that it is what settles my mind. The creativity is something I crave and what better way than to create beautiful pages. I've learned a lot. I've taken a ton of courses and have made more pages than I can even count. I shudder to think about the amount of money spent in this hobby, but it is what it is. 

And that's another thing at 55 that I love. I no longer care about what people think about me. I used to really care and used to make sure I was almost perfect so that I could get approval. Now, I approve myself. Social media has made it difficult for people today to be ok with who they are (by "people" I really mean the younger generation) and for me, I'm so very glad that I've grown past that. I'm comfortable in my own body - even if that body is larger than I want it to be. 

And that's another thing at 55, losing any pounds takes significant effort. Sheesh. It's like my 55 year old body loves all those fat cells individually and do not want to let them go. 

And that's another thing at 55, my eyes are having a harder time seeing anything. I have glasses I need to wear when I'm reading or on the computer or reading a menu. I used to marvel at my grandparents wearing their "readers" around their necks dangling from a chain. I'd wonder why they just don't get glasses. Now I get it. I don't need full glasses. I just need ones to make things closer up easier to read. 

So another year has come and gone. I've been on this little blue marble for 55 years. Fifty-five! 5 - 5. I'm not sure how that happened. But at 55 I know I can reflect on the past and look forward to a future that is still bright, a little scary, but bright.