Thursday, October 28, 2010

Purr More. Hiss Less.

A former co-worker gave me a sticker in the heat of serious work pain, a sticker that said, "Hiss More. Purr Less."  No wait, that's not right, it said, "Purr More. Hiss Less."  Yes, that's it.
I have the sticker up in the office of the new gig.  I find comfort in looking at it daily. It reminds me of two things of which I'm thankful:

1) I no longer work a company with questionable ethics, but still have friends there.

2) I should really Purr More and Hiss Less.

I was thinking about how far I've come since April of this year.  Last year at this time whodathunk I'd have three jobs in 2010. Certainly not me.  I was naively secure in my job and secretly hated it.  I knew I had to move on, but didn't have the courage or time to really do it.  Then it was done for me. 

As it turned out, it was the best thing that ever happened to me. 

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a blog about "Attitude is Everything."  And I've never really felt it as much as I feel it in the current job.  I'm surrounded by people who positive, pleasant attitudes.  Its kinda foreign to me and I keep waiting for the rose colored glasses to come off. But I truly believe this group is all sorts of shades of good attitude.

I'm not naive to think they don't have their issues, because I think issues is what helps drive the good attitude.  Frustration does prevail at times, but it is quickly swept away when you get a thank you from your boss, or better your bosses boss. 

Yesterday, the big boss of the group took the time to come down to my office (now, he could have just been passing by, but I like to believe he took time out of his busy day) and give me a huge thank you for some recent work I had done.  The work I had done wasn't rocket science - and yet it needed to be done.  His thank you will go miles with me.  The simple two little words makes everything I do worthwhile.

Being appreciated is something I've missed. The next 8 months I'm going to lap up all the appreciation calories I can! Which will help me purr more.  A lot more.