Monday, October 11, 2010

Sunday Dinner - Frito Lollies

Ah yes, another successful Sunday dinner. I so love that I decided to do this.  Besides getting to see so many of my friends on a regular basis, I get to cook for small armies.  And y'all know how I love to do me some cookin'.

Part of doing Sunday dinners was about comfort food. All the meals that make us feel good. The meals that remind of us the days long ago.  Or in some cases, maybe the food is helping make a new memory. Regardless, I feel connected to my menus each month. This month is no different.
The Sunday Dinner Crew brought to you in retro seventies:
Back row, left to right: Mrs. NotSoNewlyWed, The Cutest Kid Ever, Mr. NotSoNewywed, The Dane
Front Row: Chef Jenn, ChickenLady, Seattle SisterInLaw, Claudia Who Needs a NickName, Blueberry, and BigBro.

Our family tradition is to make Frito-Lollies on Christmas eve.  While I look forward to that very year, and make gasping sounds of disgust if the MomUnit even dares suggest anything but Frito-Lollies on Christmas Eve, I think they are perfect for any cold day.

What are they? Well, they're simple.  Chile, Fritos, and all the trimmings.  Some people call them Pepper Bellies. Others call them Straw Hats.  Regardless what name is put on them, one thing is for certain, "Where the hell did the names come from?"  I mean really? Straw hats?

So you start with Fritos.  Now there was much discussion about the proper way to build your Frito-Lolly, but I am certain MY way is the right way.

Right - so you start with making chili early in the day and you let that chili simmer down until its thick, rich, and full of chili goodness.  You should, hypothetically, though, be sure to not confuse you cayenne pepper with your chili powder. Not that I almost did, not me.

After you've got your chili made, and it's simmered good and long. Call the peeps to the table and explain the proper method of building a Frito-Lollie.

Start with the Fritos.  A nice bed of crunchy-ness on the bottom of the plate.  Filler up.

Once you have your bed of Fritos, next ladle on the chili and don't be shy. Like I said, I made enough for a small army. Note: This photo was early in the chili making yesterday. It sat and cooked, and simmered, and made mad chili flavor for 3 hours.  It was dark, rustic and flavorful. 

Now, here's where the controversy came into play. Some wanted to put the lettuce, cheese, tomatoes, onions and sour cream on the fritos BEFORE ladling on the chili madness.  They were whipped and sent to their rooms without supper.  Folks, tradition says you MUST put that stuff on AFTER the chili.  Fritos, chili, sour cream, cheese, lettuce, tomatoes and onions.  That's the way.  Unless you're Chef Jenn and then you'd leave off the lettuce, tomatoes and onions.  Nothing, but nothing gets between me and my chili.

After you've devoured a plate or two of this, you lay flat and let your stomach stretch. Because for dessert is still to be had.

Chocolate cupcakes with peanut butter frosting. Yes mam.  Pass the expando pants.

I made them last week in a test run and they were so good how could I not make them again.

I'm salivating just looking at these photos.  I tried to warn everyone that they were horrible, gross, disgusting cupcakes and no one believed me.


Okay, I'll stop now.  I'll stop to lick my fingers! 

Next month I'm toying with chicken pot pie for dinner.  I got two very enthusiastic thumbs up from ChickenLady for that on the menu.  And since she is the ChickenLady, she would know best if Chicken Pot Pie would please the Sunday Dinner Crew. 


Al & Jo said...

Okay, I must disagree with you on how to make the fritolollies. First fritos, then all the condiments, THEN the chili on top!!!

Jenn from WA said...

And you'd be wrong mom...= )

In fact I told the crew that you and I disagree empatically on how this should be done.