Monday, March 18, 2013

Monday MashUp

Thankfully, for you, I won't be singing a bunch of different songs together as one song. Though don't tempt me.

Since I last wrote last Wednesday, not a whole lot has happened, but since I know you're all dying to know just what I do with my days - I'm going to make a list.  Since none of these things really go together - well thus the MashUp

1. Pookie is doing WAY better. He's back to old spoiled self. In fact, he's a bit more spoiled than before. Go ahead, roll your eyes.  He's getting his morning food and dinner food served to him upstairs in my room. For some reason that's now the only place he wants to eat. On top of that, he WON'T drink the water from the tap - this is new.  Since I have to get a bunch of water down him in a day this wasn't going to do. So now, the poor little spoiled kitty gets filtered water - upstairs and downstairs.  Ugh. I did this to myself.

2. The Inbox is still at zero with a task bar that's growing like no body's business. I have found I'm more productive  though since I can see exactly what needs to be completed and by when.  Of course, with almost the entire team traveling last week fewer emails were sent thus allowing for the Inbox to be at zero.

3. I almost poisoned myself last night. I made this and somehow the chicken didn't get cooked all the way through. The chicken breast I used was a bit thicker, but still I had it in the oven at 400F for 30 minutes. Halfway through the meal I realized the chicken wasn't cooked on the underside by the filling.  I thought the texture had been off, but I just tried to plow through. I tend to overcook my chicken for this very reason.  So far, no real signs of food poisoning, but I was a bit concerned.

4. I had lunch this weekend with a good friend who's going through a divorce.  It was sooooo good to get caught up with her and to see she's finding peace with her situation.  I really need to work on spending more time with friends - time goes by so fast now and I really want to make sure I'm working on the relationships that mean something to me.

5. Speaking on working on relationships, I got to spend a good hour chatting away with HikerGirl. Since she's moved to Montana a couple of years ago it's been hard to keep in touch. Yet we still find time via email and chatting every now and then to get caught up. 

6. The cruising bug has hit me again. The MomUnit called with a deal she was being offered by RCI. Her and the DadUnit were crazy cruisers so they seem to get all these great deals. Plus I think Carnival isn't helping the already floundering cruise industry either - so other cruise lines are trying to make up the difference by giving fantastic deals.  For a GOOD price we got a 7-10 day cruise on ANY of the 6 major cruise lines. We have 18 months to book it and 12 months from when we book it to take it. We also go a week's timeshare, and a 5 day FREE Cruise for purchasing this deal.  LOVE that. Younger Sister and Stupid-Brother-In-Law also bought in.  So where we're going, they'll be going. Yay.  The MomUnit and I are discussing Mediterranean mostly. And we're dreaming a lot. It's fun to really think about where you want to go.  BigBro and SSIL are heading to on a cruise in April 2014 to Spain and the surrounding islands.  They sent me their ports and I am all in. I'm hoping the MomUnit and Sister will find those good ports and we can get this booked.

7. Scrapbooking is moving right along.  I finished my NY / Canada trip.  The staging the pages before hand is really helpful with just sitting and getting pages done when you have time.  I started staging all the 3Day photos for Seattle and then San Diego this weekend.  Its fun to look back and smile at what a fun time being a WalkerStalker really is.

8. I realized this weekend that I've read 11 books so far this year.  4 are the book club books (I'm a month ahead on those books) and the rest are a mishmash of 250page books. I'm on target to hit my goal for this year.  It's helpful to get ahead though because the summer comes around and reading almost grinds to a halt.

That's all I've got. Now back to our regularly scheduled program (or programme if you're British).