Saturday, April 08, 2023

Seawolves Rugby

As one of our things on the list to do this year was to go see the Seattle Seawolves Rugby team. NONE of us knew anything about rugby or had seen it before - so this was going to be a treat. 

The usual suspects went, along with two from Scotland who we were sure were going to help explain what the heck was going on. We got down there early (we heard the parking sucked and it did) and had a snack before the game. The weather was wet, but thankfully we were under cover.

Graeme & Rose (both from Scotland), Janet and I

Kathy, Rowland and I

The match starts with the Seawolves running on the field. I could not believe the size of these lads legs. Tree trunks!  I would later understand WHY they were so beefy. The crowd seemed to love these guys and it was clear there are some favorites. 

Like all good sport matches, we started with the national anthem. The stadium here is, well, old. The stereo system is definitely not DOLBE sound. It reminded me of a high school football stereo. 

By this time Graeme had explained enough to us to help us "understand". Though to be fair, while I got easier to understand what was going on, the rules still didn't make sense. But we eventually got the idea. 

This sport is absolutely brutal. No pads. The hits these guys would take. Lord. I mean when you can hear the hit in the stands, and I swear almost feel the concussion from it, you know these are no pansies on that field. 

I won't even begin to try to explain the game. You can google it if you want, or find things on YouTube to explain it. The end goal is to win by more points than the other team. How they score made no sense to me at first. Eventually I understood most of it. 

Yes. They lift a guy up when they are inbounding the ball so this taller than all the others guy can get the ball for their team. Fascinating. 

In the end, the Seawolves didn't win, but that's ok. We loved seeing the game. The crowd really got into it - some more than others - and that always makes games exciting. I'd go again in a heart beat. This was entertaining enough, and plenty of eye candy that I'd "suffer" through another 80 minutes of this.