Thursday, November 17, 2005

Another one slips away...

I just got notified again, that they chose another candidate for a position I was interviewing for. Its getting a bit discouraging to keep having another candidate be a better fit. Eventually all the "better" candidates will have a job right? So they'll have to pick me.

I did get some very constructive feedback after this last round of interviews. Not sure if any of you are aware, but at Microsoft, they usually bombard you with these "theory" questions and are trying to see how your mind works. You know the type of questions, " you have this boulder you need to get up this steep hill. You have no resources, how do you do it?" Those type. Or my personal favorite, "You have twelve people on the other side of a river that you need to get over to your side with only two trips in a boat that only holds 2." That's an exageration really. But you get what I mean.

And to think, these are only questions for contract persons. Ugh.

So, we'll move on to the next round of interviews eventually. And Eventually something will come through. And maybe this is a blessing because with the holidays coming on, and going on vacation at the end of the year, maybe I should just stop looking for now. Something always happens when you stop focusing, or obsessing, on the situation.


Ken La Salle said...

It's funny what you said about new candidates.

Where I work, I was demoted from a position I was getting a lot of accolades for because I wasn't "qualified". Oddly, they can't rehire me into the position due to my lack of qualifications (to do the job I had been doing for three years) and every person they hire for the job sucks at it. Hmmmm...

I feel your pain!