Friday, November 25, 2005


Have you ever laughed so hard that 1) you couldn't stop and 2) your eyes watered and 3) you couldn't breath? That to me is the BEST laughing that you can have. That heart felt, soulful giggle. I've had several situations in my life that warrants a giggle. And I have a very vivid memory of a vast majority of them.

Let's start with the most

Now for those of you who haven't met him, the main man in my life, is beloved cat. To sum up Pook in one word..."nutball". He has been the source a many a gut splitting giggle fests. He's not the sharpest tool in the shed let's say.

This morning’s giggle adventure starts with my flipping the channels and landing on Planet's Funniest Animals. The name rings oh so true now. Let me set the stage. Pookie is snoring on my lap, not really paying attention to anything, but demanding attention the way a cat would. Suddenly, as if shot from a cannon, he BOLTS. Stares with wild demon eyes at the TV. LAUNCHES off my lap and hits the TV at a dead run clocked at Mach 2. The TV (a 32" Toshiba that weighs a half a ton), is moved back by about an inch, my cat has a flat face and my two flamingos that were teetering on their one legs fell from the TV stand. Then as if shot from another cannon, the cat LEAPS into mid air - and as if he was scooby doo trying to escape a ghost, runs in mid air for 20 seconds then lands somewhere else. (You've all seen the clips of cats jumping straight in the air from being scared...yah imagine that).

So what, do you ask, caused such bizarre - or normal - behavior. Well a raccoon on the TV of course. Yes, the clip was of a raccoon coming into a house via a pet door. Pook spotted it and hit the TV. Then as he was "chirping" at the raccoon, the clip continues with a cat coming from behind something to scare the 'coon back out. Yah, well Pook didn't expect the cat coming from no where and did the "cartoon leap".

Needless to say, this all unfolded in milliseconds...but it got me giggling. And I couldn't stop. So I did what any sane person would do when confronted with lack of air...I called my mom. Had to share the story with mom.

Now Pookie has had many occasions in which he's done something equally as stupid as charging the TV. When he was just a kitten, he sat on a candle to snuff it out. Thank God he didn't fart.

Just a few years ago, he played Tarzan on my TV stand (its an armoire actually) and got his paws stuck between the doors and the top of the stand.

He's constantly a source of endless entertainment for me...Stay tuned; I'm sure he'll do something more outrageous and crazy soon.