Monday, March 15, 2010

Flash! ah-ahh! Flash! ah-ahh!

Flash...that's what last week was to me. A flash. It went by so quickly I can barely recall what I did (or didn't in some cases) do. I can, at least, remember the weekend. Barely.

This weekend was a whirlwind of activity for me. I usually use my weekends for sitting around contemplating what I should, or shouldn't do for the day. Then before I know it, the day is done and I've done almost nothing. Some may say that's lazy and useless. And "some" would be correct. But my weekends are mine to blow. And so if by sitting on the couch reading, watching TV, scrapbooking, reading cookbooks, or whatever is my way of decompressing, then so be it. Don't judge!

This, however, can become very habitual and before you know it, when you do have things to do you get annoyed that you have to part from your favorite butt resting place to go *gasp* out and do something social.

Which is an odd place to be for me. I am, after all, Miss Social. Or so I used to be. Not so much these days. My "social" has moved on, got married, had kids, you name it. My network is seriously lacking the "social" part of it. Miss Social is apparently retired.

But back to the weekend.

The Grace Notes Gala for Susan G. Komen was this weekend. I volunteered last year and WAY over dressed. They said "formal" so "formal" I went...uncomfortable all evening. This year I knew more about what to expect so went "comfortable" by nice. I'll spare you the story of getting myself in to a new pair of Spanx. Suffice it to say, I felt like I was in a corset all night - and getting there was albeit humorous - but not a pretty sight I'm sure. You know when you finish a roll of toilet paper you're left with that cardboard tube. Well imagine taking a full blown beach ball and stuffing it into that tube. That's what getting me into these Spanx was like. I think the seam of the Spanx is permanently etched into my abdomen.

I signed up again to be the "volunteer" photographer to shoot the 68 volunteers who were dressed to the nines. This year I borrowed a friends back drop and we had a relatively formal set up. BigBro tagged along as my "assistant" and between us we got some darn nice photos.

Fellow 3Day walker Erin came up to the volunteer room to see Ric and I. While she was there we took some photos.

You can't see it, but Erin has on bright pink high heels. Her feet were killing her. She later commented to me that she'd rather walk 60 miles than spend 2 hours in those shoes.

Erin, is a staffer for the 3 Day and walks in one or two during the season. She is one of my two favorite 3 Day staffers. She is a beautiful person inside and out. She embodies what the 3Day spirit is - She truly is an angel - and shines as a representative of something as important as the search for a cure. Every time I'm around her she just makes me laugh and smile and I'm reminded at how lucky I am to have become part of the 3 Day community. It truly is one of the most welcoming and spirit filled groups of people.

Sunday I got up - after springing forward (yawn)- to meet a set of girlfriends for breakfast. They wouldn't let me take a photo this breakfast outing, but this set of girlfriends really are some fabulous woman. We all met - gosh - 5 years ago now in a class. One of them was the instructor, two of us were in the class and the fourth was friends with the instructor. We all hit it off. And now we use each other as rocks in our difficult times, or sounding boards for career choices or decisions. I'm thankful that I have them in my life. Some day I'll get a photo of these ladies. You've been warned!

Sunday evening, Blueberry and HikerGirl came over for BBQ burgers. HikerGirl was in town this weekend from Montana so whenever that happens (which happens more than I thought it would and I'm so glad. I'm gonna have to road trip to Montana once the snow stops falling) we have to get together for some quality girl chatter. Blueberry, HikerGirl and I can seriously chatter too.

They took off and I sat in a stupor thinking about all the fun I had this weekend. I got to spend my weekend doing things with all sorts of different type of people who all play a significant role in my life. In one way or another, and whether they know it or not, they've each affected me - in a good way. And I'm thankful that I have this network that makes me be "semi" social once in a while.


Al & Jo said...

I am so glad you have these wonderful friends around are special too.

BigBro said...

Ya are special.......not just because you hang around great people, but because you qualify for the "short bus".

Saturday was actually clean up pretty good. Even without SPANX.