Wednesday, March 30, 2011

If I just lay here...would lie with me and just forget the world...

I think I might have to go to a "Not Blogging Regularly Anonymous" meeting. Good grief a week has gone by and I've not enlightened you, my faithful readers, on what I've been doing.

I'd love to say I've been busy, but I just can't out and out lie to you. I have been doing things, just nothing that should warrant not writing a blog.

Last weekend I spent a good portion of it in the world of photography.  First Saturday was the monthly PhotoGods outing. We went to a local ferry terminal and beach area.  It always amazes me how we all really are shooting the same subject and yet we all have such a different perspective on it. I love that. I get to see what other people see and hopefully that makes me see differently.

Here are some of the things I saw:
We saw Angelica. She was on the beach with her father making a sand castle...then she waded into the water for something. She was awfully cute.

We saw ancient writing prophesying that we'd be there in 2011.

We saw rocks. I think this would make a cool puzzle.

We saw shells from a bugs perspective. And a bright light in the distance.  We begged the shell to not go towards the light.

We saw sea gulls...

And more sea gulls....

And even more sea gulls.  I actually think these are the same two sea gulls. They were messing with us for sure.

Oh and we say ducks.  This particular hen was quite huge and all sorts of comments were made about her being big breasted.

Oh and we saw this guy.  Which one is funnier looking? BigBro? Or Man of Stone? The caption of this "piece of art" - and I use that term loosely - was "Whale sighting" or something like that.

So as you can see, we did take photos and we did practice photography. I'm not sure what I learned on this outing other than my brother needs seriously mental help, but that I already knew.

Saturday afternoon I spent the day learning about Photoshop Elements. I signed up for an online course and was glad I had. It taught me a lot. So much, in fact, I'm in the process of retaking the course because there was so much information.

Friday night I met BigBro and SSIL at the Wilde Rover to watch The Yank's band, Them Blokes.  We met early and had a bite then watched the first set of the band.  I took photos of the band, after The Yank taught me how to use my own stinkin flash. (Note to self: RTFM). (Note to you all...RTFM = Read the F***** Manual).

So the other big thing is BeagleBabe posted the photos I took of that birthday party.  They're all here in case you want to see.