Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Sound of Sunshine....

Officially, in 45 days I will begin my 100 day break. I won't make you do the math, that's June 3rd. That'll be my last day on the job for 100 days then I get to come back to the same job. Woohoo! I am putting together a list of things to do and read for 100 days. And I gotta tell ya, I may need more than 100 days. There's a lot to get done.

Other exciting news is Blueberry turned a year older. Yesterday was her real birthday, but we all celebrated on Saturday at Chez Jenn's. A great group of people showed up in their best cowboy outfits (well some of them). 
You can take the girl out of the country....but you can't take the country out of the girl.  Blueberry doesn't look a day older than 39...though she is by a couple of years!

I'm addicted to making cupcakes for birthdays etc. They're easier and way cuter than a cake. The them was Hoedown so I found me some cowboy boot candles.  I thought they were so darn cute.  

I don't know what happens to people at my house. They get crazy. Must be something in the water.
Left to Right: Me, Claudia, BigBro, Packing Laurie, Seattle SIL, Blueberry, The Family, SuzyMooney and the Fiance. Nuts, the whole lot of them.

After the adventure of Blueberry's birthday, which, BTW, everyone was gone by 9:15pm - it's like we're getting old or something - I took a photography class on Sunday morning.

I've been shooting photos for years. Seriously shooting for about 10 years. In 2000 I took a photography refresh course. The guy who taught it looked JUST like Santa Claus..no lie. I decided recently I was tired of the "lucky" shot and wanted to get involved with my actual shooting. Seriously thinking about what I was trying to take a photo of and set up the shot like a real photographer. LivingSocial had a coupon for 1/2 off a photo class that was designed about getting to know your camera. So I jumped on it.

Last Sunday I headed out to find this rather sketchy building with a photography studio tucked inside. The instructor has been shooting photos for 25 years and had I not seen some of his photos I might not have bought the class.  It was a GREAT class. A nice refresher course about aperture and shutter speed. And believe it or not, I actually had a few "a-ha" moments. I found this button on my camera called the "depth of field preview" which allows you to see how much of your shot will be in focus.  Hallelujah!

After the class, I met Packing Laurie for a photo shoot at the Conservatory in Volunteer Park in Seattle (after we had a good brunch at Easy Joe's first).  We spent about 2 hours wondering through and shooting photos of flowers, cactus, and other misc plants we didn't know what they were.

I was trying to really think about what I was shooting and composing each shot instead of randomly shooting. I would, frequently, fall into the "just keep shooting" thought and would drag myself back. I did pretty good. I had a few focus issues and a few depth of field missteps, but I think I did okay. You can see them all here, but I've put my favorites below.

In other exciting news, I head to Tucson on Thursday night with BigBro and SSIL. We're off to help celebrated dad's birthday on Saturday. It'll be nice to get some vitamin D ...they have this thing down there called the "sun". I can't wait to see what that's all about. We don't have that here in the great Northwest.