Wednesday, April 13, 2011

100 Days of Vacation

Many of you know, but some of you don’t, that I’ll be taking 100 days off work here very soon. Why 100 days you ask? Well sit back and let me tell you a tale.

In the 90’s Hotel Californiasoft got sued by a few contract employees who, apparently, forgot they were “contract”. They claimed they were working for YEARS on a contract and were not getting any of the Hotel Californiasoft benefits. Class action lawsuit followed and Hotel Californiasoft lost (well we all lost really). So to avoid this all contract employees of a certain identity (we call them a dash) must take 100 days off after completing a 365 day contract.

And so, my 365 is coming up very soon. The bosses asked me if I’d consider taking the 100day break a month earlier than planned so I could return earlier.

Wait. Go back.

Did you read that?

So. I. Could. RETURN!!!

Yes that’s right, they’ve asked me to come back and work for them again. You can’t see it but I’m doing the happy dance.

Right, so what this means for my future is I need to come up with something to do with myself for 100 days. In typical project management fashion, I started a list. That list will be put to a schedule of some sort.

While I’m not financially looking for to having 100 days without pay (other than unemployment), I’m THRILLED that I get to come back to this job. It feels good to be in a place that values you and because of that you want to work harder and do better. A big sigh of relief considering where I was just a year ago.

The down side to taking the 100 day break before the original plan throws a wrench in the financially planning. Still it’s doable and it’ll teach me how to be a bit more frugal. And *gasp* I might have to eat leftovers.

In other exciting Jenn news, the cookbooks made it in! They are beautiful. One typo found already, but who cares. I ordered 200 cookbooks and have only 73 left, so if you want your cookbook (and you’ve not already contacted me) you’d better contact me. I’m selling them for a minimum donation of $10. And let me tell you they are worth that and more. Much more!

Let's see what else?

Last Sunday was Sunday Dinner. I decided it would be fun to die Easter eggs so I asked folks to bring eggs and their creativity. Which really meant just us girls in the kitchen dying Easter eggs and generally giggling a lot. Quite the fun was had by all.

The little chickens, I mean eggs before. You'll notice the one has a crack already in it. By the end of the night, he'd have company.

The prep work. Getting all our cups in a row for the filling of dye.

So colorful. I'm happy to report that not very much of the dye ended up on the floor, on my hands or on my clothing.

Some of the finished products. We're clever aren't we?

My rabbit ear wouldn't stay up. It was so sad.

Ahhh...such beautiful eggs.

I think they must have drank the Kool-aid.
Back row: Larissa (Niece's GF), Niece, HikerGirl, SSIL, Blueberry
Front row: Me (barely), BigBro, Mrs. Braspir, Mr. Braspir, ChickenLady