Monday, May 06, 2019

Healthier Me - Part 2

Yesterday I told you all about my personal training Zohan. There's more to this healthier me story that I thought I'd mention.

Back in April when I challenged The Niece to exercising, I also signed up for a meal menu thingy. I signed up with this company called PlateJoy. The idea is weekly you create a menu for yourself based on your health goals (low carb, 1500 cal a day, etc). PlateJoy will provide you meal ideas for breakfast, lunch and dinner. You decide how many you want for the whole week. For example, I have one breakfast, for 5 days, 1 lunch meals for 1 day and 4 dinners for 5 days - of which I use half for lunch the next day.

I use this in combination with my Cooking Light meals I have too.

I know that if I don't plan, I'm not going to make good choices. This I've proven time and again. So my goal this time is to cook/prep on Sunday's and have everything prepared and ready for the week.

I just finished the 4th week of this and I've gotta say this is working like a charm. In the last 4 weeks I've only gotten fast food for dinner once.

The weekends are a whole other problem. I need to figure out how to do better on's getting better though. I think about it more, which is a good thing.