Saturday, June 08, 2019

Post Trip Dealing

I say every time I go on vacation, "It's always great to leave. But always great to come home." What is it about home that we love so much? Traveling is exciting. An adventure, seeing new things, experiencing a new culture...and yet we crave, and look forward, to coming home.

I've decided because home is comfortable.

I like home. I like my bed (or recliner). I like my shower. And I miss my kitties...despite them being little demons.

Been home for almost a week and getting back into the swing of things. Brought back one heckuva cold too. Janet and I airborne and Emergence C like crazy people when we travel. We have gallons of Purel at our disposal.  I become a germaphobe when I travel.  Sure that I won't get sick.

And yet...

Now I'm wondering if doing all that actually makes me sick. So next time I travel I'm going to just not do all that and see what happens. I mean, what could possibly happen? I get sick. Just like I am now.


Visited a dietitian on Tuesday to start a new low carb high protein plan. I did this in 2015 and was successful for a time on it. Like all "diets" I tend to not think about how I have to change my life and just want to lose weight.  These days my mind is more on health and what I need to do to become more healthy, weight # be damned.  I've read a lot on low carb and have watched a number of friends be successful on it. I cannot go cold turkey because I know myself that an "all or nothing" approach just makes me want to cheat. So I'm going to ease into this.

Dr. wants me to be less than 70 grams of Carbs a day. He originally started with 50 and I said that wasn't a possibility to begin with. I explained my "all or nothing" mentality and he adjusted for me. Truthfully even getting close to 70 grams a day will be tough. These are also "net carbs" not all carbs. What that means is if something has 20 carbs in it and 5 grams of fiber, then I count 15 carbs.

My protein intake should be about 120grams a day...which is a LOT of protein.

I really want to focus on this and get myself into a better shape. I have no goal on weight at this moment. I may, but for now my goal is to just focus on eating well and working out regularly.

Let the games begin!