Tuesday, June 25, 2019

The Big D

I've  now finished three weeks of this low carb/high protein diet. I've lost about 10 lbs (9.8). I feel fantastic. It's challenging, but not difficult - if that makes sense.

Today I met with my doctor to go over my lab results. I haven't had my blood work done for about 4 years and he thought it'd be good to see where we are so we can track my success.

Turns out I am borderline diabetic. Actually, according to the numbers I do have diabetes, but just barely. 6.4AC1 is officially diabetic, I'm at 6.5. He's not overly concerned because I'm on a good path right now and this news gives me yet another reason to get my life more healthy.

In order to help get this under control relatively quickly he wants me to take Victoza - which is a injectible - oh goody - for 6 months. He believes with the way I'm eating, the exercise in my life and this it should drop my AC1 relatively quickly (he didn't say what "relatively quickly" actually means).

I wasn't surprised at this information. I think I kinda secretly knew I might be on the borderline or fully with diabetes. And it's absolutely what I feared. But now I know. I have the data. I know what has to be done. I am thankful that I'm taking these steps now so this doesn't get any worse.

Other numbers that I got is my cholesterol. For 25 years I've been at 149 - but it's up to 150. GASP!! He's not at all worried about that number and was, as they always are, surprised.

Vitamin D is down so he's asking me to take a bit more dosages of Vitamin D. Being in Seattle I'm not surprised this is down. It's like the badge of honor in the Pacific Northwest.

So here we are. I've got information, I've got a plan and I'm ready to get this all under control. I've been saying all along this new way of eating is more about my health than my weight and I meant it. I'm happy with where I am and know where I need to go. Now the real work begins.