Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Whoose! The sound the last week made as it sped by!

Holy fast week batman.  I knew the holidays were always fast and furious, but my word.

I started my holiday adventure by getting up bright and early on Thursday morning. I had an 8:30 am flight to Tucson and being the ever so early person I am, I wanted to be there 2 hours early.  I was figuring that Thursday would be one of the busiest travel days so I'd get a jump on it. I don't mind sitting around an airport for an hour and watching the crazies wonder by. 

Tired, and a bit hazy from lack of sleep, I hopped in Sparky and drove to the airport parking. The morning was cold and frosty which made me focus on driving.  I was going over the list in my head of what I may have forgotten, as well as making sure I didn't slide off the road so missed that I had voicemail.

I parked Sparky, got into the shuttle and was standing on the platform to go into the airport when I noticed I had three voicemails.

Huh? Who'd be calling me this early?

As I was walking into the almost empty airport (figures) I realized my flight was delayed until 11:30am. Ugh.  That means 5 hours to wait (it was 5:30am). 

I found the Starbucks - who's line was longer than the line for security - ordered my coffee and set out to find something to do. 

Turns out SeaTac had a bunch of entertainers shuffling around the concourse. Elvis was there. He learned how to juggle in his retirement. Puck always wanted to meet The King.

They had carolers roaming the concourse and singing - well - carols.

I chose to upgrade to first class and then proceeded to talk myself into the first class lounge for US Airways (which they share with Continental).  I sat myself in a cushy chair, finished my starbucks and settled in for the long wait. 

Thankfully, I come prepared to entertain myself in airports. I had two books with me and my journal.  I didn't have to worry about being bored.  Or so I thought. Turns out that early in the morning, nothing sounds fun to do. So I sat and watched people come and go in the lounge.  I had more coffee, a danish and finally started reading my new book on writing. (One of my new years goals is to get better at writing...aren't you lucky?) Notice I said "writing" not "spelling"?

The phone rang again at about 10am.  It was US Airways telling me the flight was now delayed until 1pm. Great.  Text the MomUnit telling her to not leave until I text her again to let her know I'm sitting on the plane.  The plane, apparently, had a malfunctioning computer in one of the engines. They had to have one flown in from Phoenix, install it, test it, start the engine, test it, etc.  I much rather they fix it while the plane's on the ground then wait until we're air born...so I didn't mind waiting.

At about 11:30 I wondered out of the first class lounge in search of lunch.  Back down to the main concourse and discovered the airport was WAY busier than when I had originally arrived at O'dark thirty.  Tons of families with yelling kids now wandered the paths. I knew it was the holiday season. 

I found lunch, found my gate and sat and waited with the rest of the very tired travelers of flight 51 headed to Phoenix...someday.  Most were not cranky or angry about the delay, but there were a couple who were furious.  Too bad really, because things break, things happen. You can choose to be upset about it or you can choose to chill the hell out. 

Finally, we boarded. I have never been so thankful for upgrading to first class as I was at that moment. First on, and first off. And first with drinks and snacks. MMMM

The flight was uneventful except for this...

Ah Mt. Rainer - so beautiful.

Landed without incident too. Thankfully.  The MomUnit and a good family friend were circling and finally found me.  It felt good to finally be there. Christmas could now officially begin.