Friday, August 10, 2012

Friday...*insert deep sigh*

The MomUnit comes in today for a two week visit full of fun visits with friends, and what is likely to be a very emotional Celebration of Life for the DadUnit. (God I miss that man.)

I've been a bit stressed of late trying to get the next two weeks and all the extra curricular activities sorted out. My role in them, what I need to bring, what I need to clean, what I need to cook, what I need to buy, etc. It got a bit overwhelming yesterday and I almost told everyone to stuff it and that they could find my hiding under my covers in bed for the next 2 weeks.

Then the PM in me came out - well the PM, a pen and a notebook.  I started making lists, upon lists, upon schedules, upon more lists.  I felt better but not completely unstressed.

Then it dawned on me.  That I may, perhaps, have to accept that stress will be a part of the next 2 weeks.  Accept it and move on. 

Once I accepted it I found peace, oddly enough.  I realized that most of my daily life has no stress in it that when stress does appear it throws me into a tail-spin of angst. I should get bonus points for just recognizing that.

The other stresser for the next 2 weeks is my current life style change.  I've done well and feel good about where I am and the mistakes I've made along the way. With the MomUnit in town and all the social activities lined up, making good choices is going to be a challenge for me. I find I still fall victim to the "just this one time" plague. I think knowing that this will be a challenge, and facing each decision should help me not gain any weight in the next two weeks.  Working out is going to be more my BFF than normal I think.

I had a sick thought this week of, "What if I worked out twice a day? Morning and afternoon." I got tired just after thinking that. It's an interesting concept and I may challenge myself soon to trying it for a week. 

As you can tell by the gadget on the side of the blog I am 26 lbs down.  Slow and steady.  Frustrating, slow and steady, but slow and steady all the same. 

There are days I just feel so defeated that I want to quit this life style and go back to the easy way of life. Eating whatever I want.  Then I remember how difficult life was then. Its the small things really that you don't realize until you feel better. Things like, carrying a 20lb cat litter bag up two flights of stairs and not being winded at the top. Or the simplicity of getting up off the floor, or bending over to pick something up on the floor. Or - this will sound odd to you skinny folk out there - rolling over in bed without grunting.

At the end of the day, when I feel defeated, I have plenty of reasons to keep going. And I know by the time I find my ending point my life will be different and so will I.  A friend said to me the other night,  about my weight loss journey, "Your journey isn't about what you are at the end, but about whom you become along the way." and I have to completely agree.

Oh and my BMI is down 2 points! I am a rock star!


Unknown said...

Holy poo, 26 pounds is INCREDIBLE. Yay for you.

I also find that "just this one time" or "it's a special occasion" are my downfalls.