Friday, January 04, 2013

Ringing in the New Year

New Year’s to me is a fun and exciting holiday to celebrate. It’s a clean slate. It’s a do over. It’s a time to reflect. It’s a time to make changes. It’s a time to be very, VERY thankful for all that you have.  The frosting on the cake. 

2012 was an year to be remembered. Some good memories, some bad. Though I think life would be boring if we only had good, so I welcome the bad. 2012 was an emotionally difficult year that drained me more than I care to admit.  Yet it also gave me new strength, new hope, and let me see a brighter future. 

2013 is hear. Fresh, new, unaltered, un-jaded, ready for me to live it … fully. Each new year I feel renewed. I feel like I am ready to take on the next level of goals, to think I can, and will, do better in all aspects of my life. I can’t afford to not improve – seems silly to not improve. 

I rang in 2013 much like I have in the past, with friends, food, and good cheer. I’m excited to see this year start. And I’m painfully aware that there will be some downers in this next year – as I get older they seem more likely to happen. But I’m also quite aware, that I make my own happiness. And in knowing that, I can, and will, make 2013 a happy year (sadness and all).  When I think about what some folks across the country are dealing with (unemployment, Connecticut shooting, natural disasters, etc) I’m reminded at how incredibly fortunate I am. Sure there’s sadness in my life, but I choose to make that sadness the exception not the rule.  2013 will be no different.