Friday, November 06, 2009

Today is brought you by the number two.

Two. That's the number of shots I've given myself. Can you believe it? I certainly can't. I don't even gag a little when I do it. It doesn't hurt and by golly it's almost fun. Okay that last part is a lie, but still I'm super proud of myself for being able to do something I never thought I'd do. It's amazing what one is capable of when one's life is on the line.

Speaking of life lines, thank you to EVERY single one of you who has had me in their thoughts and their prayers. I'm positive all that super charged positive energy has helped me the last couple of days.

It's been two days since the surgery and I'm feeling pretty good. Sore. Very sore at times, but with a little rest and pain medication, all is good in the world. I've not had any weird side effects from the percocet, but I guess is good. I heard so many stories I was a bit scared to even take it.

Surgery day is a blur really. I remember getting up at O' dark what-time? and driving to NW hospital. The parental units are here taking care of me (okay so it's only mom - but who doesn't want their mommy around in times like these?). I sailed through pre-op. Managed to stay engaged even with the check in nurse was having troubles finding a vein on one of my hands. She put this lovely numbing stuff on so I didn't really feel anything but the pressure - which is creepy. The doc stopped by and the last thing I remembered was someone asking if we were good to go. Next thing I know I'm being wheeled past the waiting area and hear my last name called out.

Blueberry and the units met me in my room. I have a vague recollection of talking to them. Overall I felt pretty good. I was uber sore then, but then again...those dandy pain meds.

The staff at Northwest Hospital were fantastic. A great selection nurses and CNAs who had excellent bed side manner. I'll be writing a thank you note to them later this week.

Yesterday I was discharged, only after I passed a few gas bubbles and showed them I could potty all by myself (weird I know). The ride home was miserable. Didn't ever realize how many bumps were in the roads, but man there were a lot.

Slept most yesterday afternoon, and then lazed around today - managed to sneak in a 2 hour nap this afternoon in my busy schedule.

All in all, I feel good. The soreness grows less and less by the day - getting up out of bed or chairs isn't as painful now. The four little open cuts I have are healing - I think. It's hard to see really with the bruising around one of them (they actually went through my belly button - sure hope they cleaned it of all the lint first). My insides seem to be jocky'ing for the new found space. They were rearranging themselves last night. I think my liver has a new address - I'm just sayin'.

So again, thank you all for your support. It means the world to me. I'm sure I'll never be able - oh geez I'm tearing up - stupid hormones - to express how much it has meant to get so many well wishes. You're all the best!

Now if you'll excuse me, I hear my bed calling.


Lesley said...

Jenn, I am so glad to hear you're home and doing so well! I got teary reading this! Although I can blame hormones for that too (pms, in my case). I'm sure you'll continue resting and recovering like a champ. I'm with you on the percocet -- I never had issues with it either, and a little pain management can be a very good thing. Sending you some more good thoughts and prayers.

Ken La Salle said...

Hey Jenn, hats off to you for being so brave about this. (I don't care if it was just in public - that's what counts!) (And I don't care if I don't wear a hat!) Seriously, though, I'm glad you're recovering and doing better. Big hug!