Sunday, May 16, 2010

You wanna know who I am? Just Google me.

I'm not naive. I know that anything you put on the internet is there for everyone to see. Its fair game. I expect items I put out there are "ok'd" by me so its never concerned me.

Every once in a while I like to google my name just to see what pops up. The standard facebook, blog, flickr, amazon profiles all pop up. I'm fine with that because there's no personal information people can get about me.

I was, however, stunned that people can be given a map as to where I live. Yep, you got that right. I know with modern technology that finding someone is quite easy these days. And I'm thankful for that when trying to get people to my house for a visit. I'm not thrilled that a psychopath can as easily find me.

I know I can't have it both ways, but there has to be a way to control a person's address and location being given out so freely from sites I've not authorized to do so. I also know there's no way to really police this and the reality is who would want to find me.

Still what if I had a 16 year old daughter. So I decided to google one of my nieces. I could not only find her address, but her parent's names and locations. Frightening stuff.

I recognize and appreciate the internet is a good thing. I wouldn't have the life I have without it, but its a scary beast and seems to be somewhat unchecked in what information can be found. I find myself asking if this modernization is a good thing. Convenience can be just a bit scary.

In my googling search though I found another relative I've never heard of located in NJ. I only knew one cool person in NJ and now there may be two (one related one note)! I may need a nap.


Lesley said...

Cool people in Jersey? Who knew?!! ;-)