Tuesday, July 13, 2010

The Man who Talked to a Stump

So I have this BigBrother. Well, I have 3, but only one whom I call BigBro. He, along with his wife and Blueberry, are walking in the 3day...again. And it seems that each year one must get more and more creative when it comes to fund raising.

Asking people for money is not for sissies. It's hard. But the key is asking. If you don't ask, you'll never know. It didn't take me long to get into the swing of things and put on my fund raising shoes. In fact, I treated it like a game. And I got slightly addicted to the emails you'd receive when someone donated. So the key, as I said, is in the asking. You've got to ask big because the 3day and what it represents is big.

My BigBro is never afraid of asking. I joked, quite a bit actually, during all the hours of training walks and on the 3Day itself that he'd talk to a stump (as in he'd talk to anyone). And that talking got him $$. A lot of money in 2008. But as the years progress, and the economy gets tougher, getting those donations gets a bit harder too.

Way back when, in early 2008 one of our original teammates had what I thought was a brilliant idea to raise money. I, then and now, would never be brave enough or have enough confidence to do it. My BigBro though, is.

Last weekend he, his two signs, and a bucket stood outside a busy freeway off-ramp. In the matter of hours he raised a metric buttload of money. Day 2 could have been longer if the homeless man who "worked" that corner didn't swing by.

Still it was a brilliant idea in 2008 and I'm so glad he has the cajones to stand out there and panhandle for donations. It worked! Oh and did I mention that I'm glad he's my BigBro?

In other non-3Day related news, I'm still employed. Tomorrow will be one week. And I can say with 100% certainty that my brain is full. And Amazon doesn't seem to sell any memory upgrades for my model.


BigBri said...

You forgot to mention........please donate to him for his efforts to support a great cause........ www.the3day.org\goto\ric_wraspir