Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Live. Laugh. Love.

Three words to live by. They're all common words. Individually meaning a lot, but together mean even more.

Its been a tough year this year. But tough means growth, or so I've been told. And I have to admit being unemployed did challenge me and my beliefs in things, and I did grow (more than my waist line that is).

I've been struggling for some time with trying to find a life. Don't laugh. It's true. I had a great life once. Tons of friends. Dinner parties every weekend, things on my calendar to do, burning the candle at both ends. And I relished in it. Then something happened. Friends got married and had kids, the calendar got cobwebs and suddenly I found myself doing not nearly as much as I wanted.

I said I was living each day to the fullest, but I wasn't. A dear friend said to me a few weeks ago that she discovered she was talking the talk, but not walking the walk. She "said" she was living each day...but turns out she wasn't. Those words hit me like a brick. I was that same person.

Sure, I do things. I keep myself busy. But what happened to my dreams? Where had I stashed them? I'm sure I had failed at some point and neatly boxed up all my hopes and dreams and put them in the attic waiting patiently for the day I'd take them down, dust them off, and get moving on them again.

This was one of those days. Live.Laugh.Love Photography has been born.

When last I posted I told you about Mrs. HuskyFanatic mentioning I should do family photos. I finally decided she was right. I was holding myself back for fear of failing. "I couldn't possibly have my own business, I am not that good of a photographer"....the inner dialog went. Then I did something new, I changed my way of thinking. I started visualizing the "what if..." scenario.

What if I did this?
What if I was successful at it and in 3 years time it WAS my job?
What if I could take fantastic pictures and create an emotion from them?

And the dialog went on until I decided, what do I have to lose? Nothing. And yet I have everything to gain. Even if it fails, even if it's only part time, I will be able to hold my head high and say I tried. I gave it my all. Isn't that what life is all about?

And then suddenly without any warning, I had motivation. Motivation I haven't seen in a very long time. It was like an old friend coming to visit. I missed it.

I'm pushing forward now. Motivation and confidence are my business partners. Friends will be my initial clients. And a new blog to be used for the business. That blog will be about my photography adventures much like my cooking blog is about, well, cooking. Still I'll be pointing this blog there when I start getting photos to publish. Mrs. HuskyFanatic and her fam are my first scheduled appt...Aug 7. This weekend I'm taking my niece out to be my practice model. We're going to find some cool places to shoot and then she's going to pose for me. Should be interesting. I can't wait for this journey to begin.

Any small business advice to send please do? Any suggestions, please send. I'm open to hear anything right now...cuz I really have no idea what I'm doing! I have a graphics designer (thanks PMDUDE for the name and the logo), I have a web designer for my ultimate website, (Thanks Texas), I have families willing to be the guinea pigs...(thanks friends/family) I'm all I just need a photographer! Haha...just joking.