Friday, September 03, 2010

Weekend Predictions

I was just about to ask a friend what they were doing this weekend. Before I asked, I thought, “Gosh, he might ask me. I should come up with something.” And then it hit me, I had nothing to come up with. I have three glorious empty days stretched out in front of me.  How will I spend my time? Well, I’m glad you asked.

I’ll start with coffee each morning. The boyfriend has felt neglected since I was gone for a week on vacation. So a cup or two might be in order each day.

Then I’ll wonder upstairs and turn on the computer. Chances are high I’ll have to reboot it a couple of times to get it working properly.  There’s something about a laptop that’s had to have windows re-installed that makes it suck the life out of you.  Since the dreaded virus is early August (I think it was August) the computer hasn’t been working the same.  So I suspect Saturday morning will be filled with a few shall we say expletives.

After cussing out the computer, I’ll likely check email and Facebook. I’ll attempt, and fail, at posting something witting on FB.

I have several hundred photos to still go through for Alaska.  I have found a website that has free PSE actions that I’ll be downloading and playing with. So watch out! There may be some bizarreness on the way.

Side note: I’ve come to terms, I think, with the fact that what I believe is cool in a photo may not be cool by other people.  I think most my photography fans are used to seeing just okay photos from me and are now WOW’d and don’t know what to think of the new direction my photography is taking.  No one has actually said, “wow” that I know of, I’m only assuming they’re saying it in their noggins.

Right, so where was I? Oh yes, I was about to tell you all the nothing I would be doing this weekend.

Sometime during the photo editing, the big black beast of burden will hop up and lay across my arms…numbing them to the point where I’ll have to take a break. It’s his ploy. He assumes if I take a break I’ll feed him. Hah. Like I would…Okay so I do.

I’ll spend the rest of Saturday pondering things to do, intending on doing a lot of things, and will ultimately end the day with a good home cooked meal. I’ll likely pick up a book and read some…or watch a little TV. 

I will, however, have to clean the kitchen.  I read this article today that something like 90% of household kitchens wouldn’t pass the restaurant health code!  I need to clean my kitchen!

Sunday – will be much like Saturday. Only it’s Sunday. I may – weather report pending – even go for a *gasp* walk! I will do laundry and do some more laundry. I most likely will clean the bathrooms too…I need a maid!

Monday – well, it won’t be any different either.

Wow, you’re still here? I was sure I’d bore the dickens out of you (where did that phrase come from anyhow?) and you will have fallen asleep and drooling on yourself.  But alas, you’re still reading! Weirdos!


Unknown said...

If you're interested in doing some regular walking, let me know. But not 60 miles or anything :)