Monday, September 13, 2010

A whole lotta celebration going on...

I think I'll do a work back, play by play account of my weekend.  First let me open with this:

and this...

That would be my kitchen AFTER Sunday Dinner.  Which hopefully shows it was a GREAT Sunday Dinner.  I should start judging Sunday dinners on a Kitchen Messy Scale (or KMS).  The messier the kitchen the better time had by all.

If you look at the first photo again, you'll see six wine bottles. SIX..(one's hiding behind another) and I had already thrown 2 away.  One of those bottles is about three quarters full still, the rest...EMPTY!   Perhaps my math is off, but that could be what contributed greatly to the KMS.

Sunday Dinner guests consisted of: Blueberry (of course), PhotoGirl and the Yank, The Ducks, The Not So Newlyweds and Baby J, And a pair of Husky Fans - who happen to be some pretty fun folks! 

Missing in this photo is me, I'm behind the camera, and Mr. Newlywed...he's busy chasing down Baby J somewhere. Busy little guy that Baby J. Cute as a button, and full of smiles. Loved the deep fried ravioli.  I have another fan.

Dinner was fantastic, if  I do say so myself. I made my Spaghetti Bolognese.  Well it's not "mine" per se, I borrowed it from my husband Tyler Florence. I made it Saturday and let it sit in the fridge for 24 hours...making it THE BEST Bolognese of all time.  Rave reviews all around.  All the recipes are here.

We had Olive Cheese bread and a salad with it. Finishing off the meal with Mini Brownie bites. These were courtesy of Pioneer Woman.  I just can't stop making her recipes.  I'm slowly, but surely cooking my way through her blog and cookbook.   It's like Julie and Julia except I'm Jenn and she's Ree...Blueberry didn't believe I made them. I don't know why she wouldn't believe me...I mean...just because I've not been a baker and really don't want to be one.  Mrs. Duck saw the recipe for the Olive Cheese bread on the refrigerator and secretly wished we were having it...she told me later...and was then so happy when I pulled it out of the oven. She not only got the recipe, she promises to cook it, and she got the left over bread. One happy customer!
Aside from all the gloriousness of Sunday dinner I also practiced some people shooting at a 1 year old birthday party.  And by "people shooting" I mean photography so don't go dialing 9-1-1 and all.  Baby T turns one and her mom asked if I wanted to come to a baby birthday party to practice.  I won't bore you with all the photos, but I will share this one because I so love it.

That's Baby T and Max.  So dang cute....
After slicing my thumb open while making guacamole, I got down to business shooting as many baby photos as I could.  They're tough little buggers. They won't hold still.  But I had fun and I learned a lot. Now I have about a hundred photos to sort through, manipulate and see if I can actually do this photographer thing. 

Saturday night got a bit more mellow, a bit more nostalgic.  I remembered it was Sept 11th. 

I got suckered into the History channel coverage of the attacks.  They had so many different views and spins on that day that I sat, riveted, annoyed, frustrated, sad, and anxious as I watched the events of that tragic day unfold again, and again.  The way the history channel had covered all angles just had me gripped. I couldn't even conceive moving away from the stories.  I remembered, as thousands of us did, exactly where I was and what I was doing.  I turned on the TV in time to see the second plane hit.  I was stunned. Shocked. Sad. And very much afraid.

I found myself getting very anxious and stressed as I was watching one of the shows called 102 minutes or something like that.  I found myself screaming at the TV, wanting to warn the firemen to NOT go into the building.  Watching helplessly as the heroes walked, determined to save lives, into a building I knew would fall in 10 minutes.  They, of course, had no way of knowing. And I'm willing to bet even if they did, many of them would have trudged on ahead. 

I was frozen. I couldn't move away from the TV.  And I wondered why, and it was in reading another blog today that it finally hit me.  The blogger had in fact been "gripped" by the shows, and determined that they were so gripped because they did, perhaps, forget about it and needed to remember.

And I don't mean that I had forgotten, because how could you. But what I had forgotten was all the range of emotions that spilled forth from that tragic event.  Shock. Stun.  Fear. Sadness.  Pride. Anxiety. More fear. More anxiety.  More pride.  All of it, somehow had been stored safely in the caverns of my brain. 

I'm glad I watched it. I'm glad I got a chance to feel the stress, sadness, and overwhelming pride in the behavior of Americans that followed 9-11.  And I can't believe it's been almost 10 years. I'm sure many families feel every single second of those almost 10 years - and for them, I spent a couple of moments in silence. 

I think all that emotion greatly contributed to the mind splitting head ache I had too.