Sunday, February 20, 2011

Life is a Highway

Oh boy, what a weekend.  Nothing overly exciting happened last week so there's no need to really comment...oh wait, something exciting DID happen.

Many of you know I'm a budding photographer, trying to make a go at a potential business.  In my attempt to get a photography business going, I've been practicing a lot and I've been trying to put myself out there in many different ways. 

Coupled with that I LOVE Pioneer Woman.   Her website not only has her story and a blog about all the things that go on during her life on a cattle ranch (after living in LA).  She's funny and she's full of stories that make you laugh and cry. 

She has two other parts of her blog, one dedicated to cooking, which is where I find a lot of my recipes. And another dedicated to photography. Its the photography page I am about to discuss.

The Pioneer Woman (PDub) has these photo assignments every couple of months.  In the past year I've submitted a half dozen photos. None of them ever made it any further past me submitting.

Her last assignment was on the theme "love".  On a whim I submitted my 3 Day photo that I'm so very proud of.
Yah, that picture gets me all choked up too. 

Anyhow back to the story.  I submitted this photo about a day into the contest.  Then suddenly I see it as a chose one.  She picks about 20 each day that she thinks represents her theme.  And mine made it in group 6. Scroll down and you'll see my photo.

Then on Friday I got a text message from my GalPal Meg-A-Roonie saying I had made it to the finalist.

Needless to say I was a little more than excited. I came home and passed the word to everyone I know to go and vote for me. 

Now I wait to see. 

It may seem like a silly little contest to many people. It's not national, it's not anything really big, but it is to me.  To me it gives me validation.  It helps my confidence to know that my photo is chosen out of more than 4,000 photos. I am one of 16 finalist.  That's big to me.

Even if I don't win, I'm thrilled to have come this far. 

So I'll wait patiently to see if I win!  I swear I'm waiting patiently.